OPT 3.72% 97.5¢ opthea limited

Yes, I did notice the new panel of experts. I must admit, I...

  1. 1,792 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 450

    Yes, I did notice the new panel of experts. I must admit, I couldn't help thinking that OPT sure knows how to spend my money!

    Interesting—where do you place the probabilities of success for the Phase 3 trials, specifically for COAST (Aflibercept/Eylea) and ShORe (Ranibizumab/Lucentis)? Then gaining approval by FDA?

    Here’s what my OptheaGPT is saying (if anyone has any documents to link, I can add them to my OptheaGPT knowledge).


    Last edited by FreeFromStyle: 09/08/24
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