OPT 9.62% $1.14 opthea limited

Pretty much all the competitors have dropped out and the...

  1. 17,324 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2459
    Pretty much all the competitors have dropped out and the existing companies are focused on dosage changes and delivery systems that improve convenience but aren't more efficacious. I think the concerns about complexity and two injections are over blown. I believe the intention is two combine the two drugs in a single injection and hopefully with a reduced frequency that would provide improved efficacy and convenience. No doubt though different patient subgroups probably will have different levels of response and depending on the mix in the trials it's potentially capable of risking the trial outcomes. So fingers crossed. I think the Lucentis trial has a higher chance of success than the Eyelea trial because Eyelea is probably more potent and has better efficacy, which is why it's more popular.
    Last edited by whytee: 09/08/24
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