It's so easy to manipulate small cap stocks on the ASX that it's a doddle.
It was reported that Elon Musk could now buy every house in Tasmania and still have 70% of his wealth left over, so imagine if he decided to manipulate a small cap ASX stock, ASIC and the ASX wouldn't know what's hit them, or how to deal with it. He could basically make the price anything he likes. And some big international companies like POSCO could do the same if they wanted. They can drive the price to whatever they wanted, very simply.
The question is, when you are a small publicly listed player, with limited financial market power, how can you get fair value in a corrupt market place like this. Answer - if the powerful global elite don't want you to, then you can't, it's as simple as that. Occasionally, the market makers will throw you a bone, but it won't be at a premium. Sometimes directors sense that they have no choice, because they literally have no financial or political power.
There is no fairness in the system, the rich simply get richer, because they created the system, and they control the system and everyone who is in it.
However, on occasions, when I am so inclined, it makes me feel good to give the elite, and the financially powerful, and the corrupt overlords, the middle finger gesture. Maybe SXY should give POSCO the same.