A CR is not needed but would speed up things considerably. So the emphasis shifted from CR necessary to survive to CR possible to speed up things. Until a decision is made if a CR will happen there will be new drill results and certainly a step-by-step approach. Basically they have Gem Creek, Upper Itaki, Ohio Creek and Goldstar and "satellite" targets Honeycamp and Kaburi Hills.
Given what neighbouring tenements have in reserves it is not impossible to find a multi-million ounce deposit. Would certainly alter the situation and maybe even need a new plant, certainly makes sense to take on much more capital then.
I have no problem with owning 1/3 less of a pie that has grown to 3 or 4 times the size.
But it depends on what is found. No capital raise without a clear idea of what is actually there. And no capital raise with a share price that is not reflecting the exploration potential at all. Will change though in 2019 and I would like management to have the right tools on hand to be prepared.