BIT 6.67% 1.4¢ biotron limited

Ann: Shareholder Update , page-19

  1. 2,937 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 309

    Hey rmp686..
    I think you seriouly need to read the Shareholder Update Agian, you might Capture the True Story....And just for the records "Big PHARMA is Chassing Biotron.... Bit Hold the Missing Link...

    For the hardcore holders/believers/patient folk/visionaries it really might be a case of- " I did indeed think this would eventuate..." -not easy to say now but the writing is on the wall and as Bit Posters made clear - deadlines are looming and suddenly for the people prepared to wait Time is suddenly on Our side...

    An absolute avalanche of activity is looming - also check out the quality of folk on the Board....and little old BIOTRON is there amongst all these industry heavyweights.....dare to work out why
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1.5¢ 1.5¢ 1.4¢ $24.43K 1.630M

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1 180000 1.5¢

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1.6¢ 383216 5
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Last trade - 12.37pm 05/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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