PYC 0.00% $1.28 pyc therapeutics limited

Ann: Shareholder Update , page-14

  1. 74 Posts.
    At the end of May 2012, we announced the achievement
    of a significant research milestone in our Collaboration and
    License agreement with Pfizer to discover novel peptide-based
    vaccines. This milestone followed the successful completion
    of the first stage of the collaboration, which was announced
    in December 2010. Under the terms of the agreement, the
    recent milestone achievement triggered an undisclosed
    financial payment, which was received in July 2012.
    We are particularly excited to have reached this research
    milestone in our collaboration with Pfizer because it represents the first step towards our partner potentially exercising its option to a commercial licence within the coming months.
    Doug Wilson PYC Newsletter July2012

    I believe they used the terms "successful" "findings" for both the MedImmune and Pfizer collaboration results also, but now no mention, so sorry if I don't get to excited about PYC reporting "successful findings" with Roche. I'm pragmatic, so I expect "successful findings" to at least translate into some sort of revenue.

    11 years in and they are finally finding what Phylomers could be used for...nice...but still have to develop the technology/platform. If this was year 1 or 2, I would say great...year 12...not so much.

    I also would like to hear responses to Heks questions. Tony & Wayne are always posting about their "excitement" and "breakthroughs" and a license or buyout is right around the corner ((its been around the corner for quite some time by their comments)), so how do they explain the disconnect between the reality of PYC's progress (both financial and in terms of deals) and all the continued hype around the potential of the platform that you say is there??

    AND no I don't care if you keep negative rating my posts. Me likes the 0 ratings.
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