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Frontier Resources samples high-grade gold in trenches at PNG...

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    Frontier Resources samples high-grade gold in trenches at PNG project


    do not advertise external links.au/companies/news/934363/frontier-resources-samples-high-grade-gold-in-trenches-at-png-project-934363.html

    Frontier Resources Ltd (ASX:FNT) has received encouraging results from the initial stage of trench sampling along the newly discovered Tassy vein at the Kimono project in PNG with 4 metres at 4.78 g/t gold including 1-metre at 15.5 g/t.

    The company’s Kimono project surrounds the prolific Tolukuma Gold Mine.

    Additional trench results 300 metres further downstream from the Tassy vein, along Holsiga Creek, show 10 metres at 0.95 g/t gold including 3 metres at 2.31 g/t in strongly oxidised quartz and quartz‐limonite veins.

    The trenching also returned 0.2 metres at 0.39 g/t in Fala Creek.

    Kimono Vein system

    The Kimono Vein system is on the eastern boundary of the Mining Lease 104 within the company’s tenement EL2531 where historical exploration and drilling defined gold mineralised zones trending a length of 4 kilometres.

    Results from the first batch of 61 trench and rock samples were collected during the initial phases of a fieldwork program to expand on known areas of historical gold mineralisation along with the Kimono vein system.

    Pathfinder elements associated with gold mineralisation include arsenic >100 ppm (parts per million) and antimony >10 ppm, which are anomalous in all trench samples and can be used to find additional target areas where gold may be leached to the surface.

    Potential for additional gold

    Frontier’s initial phase exploration results show two newly discovered mineralised vein splays associated with the Kimono vein system and up to 370 metres away from known historical mineralisation.

    This demonstrates the significant potential for additional gold resources associated with an underexplored system of veining along the eastern boundary of the mining lease.

    The remaining 178 trench, 26 rock chip, 42 rock float and 102 soil samples taken by Frontier are being processed by ALS Laboratories in Brisbane and results are expected in coming weeks.

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