TAW 0.00% 31.0¢ tawana resources nl

I think a bit of realism is needed. At one point is was worth...

  1. 621 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 168
    I think a bit of realism is needed. At one point is was worth 40M dollar without any drill results. If you add the market cap of AMAL you already got to almost 100M at one point. I think Africadale rightly pointed out that this means TAW was never a cheap stock above 10c.

    I think now it is fair value compared to others. Keep in mind all the scenarios that we've talked about here on the forum still have to be proven.

    I think Cowan will be OK. Nothing spectaculair compared to similar deposits in Australia, but there will be spodumene. Namibia results are the potential game changer for me.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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