ATI 0.00% 17.5¢ atlantic limited

re: Ann: Signs MOU for World Class Bauxite Pr... After reading,...

  1. 4,289 Posts.
    re: Ann: Signs MOU for World Class Bauxite Pr... After reading, then re-reading and reading again I feel this is a very strongly worded announcement that if not substantiated would destroy MM's reputation and credibility to an extent where he would not have any future in the business world from now until eternity. Why would he risk it all and leave his plumb role at FMG for anything but a given success story. Seems too far fetched to me that this could be all anything but a done deal in his eyes. I am looking forward to the official response and clarification we should get short term and then onwards and upwards from there. This is just my opinion. Good luck all holders.
    B Rubes
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