ESS 0.00% 50.0¢ essential metals limited

Ann: Sinclair Mine Complete, First Caesium Shipment Scheduled, page-40

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    A 2001 report which may be of interest contains the use of Caesium Formate to test coal
    File No: NA/811
    September 2001
    Caesium Formate
    This Assessment has been compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Chemicals
    (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 (the Act) and Regulations. This legislation is an Act of the
    Commonwealth of Australia. The National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment
    Scheme (NICNAS) is administered by the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
    which also conducts the occupational health & safety assessment. The assessment of environmental
    hazard is conducted by the Department of the Environment and the assessment of public health is
    conducted by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
    For the purposes of subsection 78(1) of the Act, copies of this full public report may be inspected by
    the public at the Library, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Plaza level, Alan
    Woods Building, 25 Constitution Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600 between 9 AM and 5 PM Monday to
    Copies of this full public report may also be requested, free of charge, by contacting the
    Administration Coordinator on the fax number below.
    For enquiries please contact the Administration Section at:
    Street Address: 92 -94 Parramatta Rd CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050, AUSTRALIA
    Postal Address: GPO Box 58, SYDNEY NSW 2001, AUSTRALIA
    Telephone: (61) (02) 9577 9514 FAX (61) (02) 9577 9465
    Chemicals Notification and Assessment
    FULL PUBLIC REPORT...........................................................................................................4
    1. APPLICANT..................................................................................................................4
    2. IDENTITY OF THE CHEMICAL.................................................................................4
    3. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES.............................................................5
    3.1. Comments on Physico-Chemical Properties ..........................................................5
    4. PURITY OF THE CHEMICAL.....................................................................................7
    5. USE, VOLUME AND FORMULATION......................................................................8
    6. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE .................................................................................10
    7. PUBLIC EXPOSURE..................................................................................................11
    8. ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE..............................................................................12
    8.1 Release .................................................................................................................12
    8.2 Fate .......................................................................................................................13
    9. EVALUATION OF TOXICOLOGICAL DATA.........................................................13
    9.1 Acute Toxicity......................................................................................................13
    9.1.1 Acute Oral Toxicity......................................................................................14
    9.1.2 Dermal Toxicity ...........................................................................................15
    9.1.3 Acute Inhalational Toxicity..........................................................................15
    9.1.4 Skin Irritation ...............................................................................................15
    9.1.5 Eye Irritation.................................................................................................16
    9.1.6 Skin Sensitisation .........................................................................................17
    9.2. Repeated Dose Toxicity .......................................................................................17
    9.3 Genotoxicity .........................................................................................................18
    9.3.1 Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Assay ......................................18
    9.3.2 Chromosomal Aberration Assay in Human lymphocytes ............................18
    9.4 Overall Assessment of Toxicological Data..........................................................19
    10. ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS.............................................20
    10.1 Freshwater Species ...............................................................................................21
    10.2 Marine Species .....................................................................................................22
    10.3 Summary of Aquatic Toxicity..............................................................................23
    11. ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD.............................................24
    EFFECTS .................................................................................................................25
    13. RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................................26
    13.1 Secondary notification..........................................................................................26
    14. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET....................................................................27
    15. REFERENCES.........................................................................................................27
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    Caesium Formate
    Central Chemical Consulting Ltd of 7 Silica Road, Carine 6020, West Australia and Cabot
    Australasia of 300 Millers Road, Altona, Victoria, 3018 have submitted a joint standard
    notification statement in support of their application for an assessment certificate for caesium
    The notified chemical is derived from salt mineral deposits in Canada, which also have high
    levels of magnesium, calcium and other bivalent metals. These are removed through
    precipitation of their carbonates, and this accounts for the relatively high level of potassium
    carbonate in the notified chemical. The high levels of alkali metals (sodium, potassium and
    rubidium) in the product are in accord with its origin in lake salt deposits.
    Chemical Name: Caesium formate
    Chemical Abstracts Service
    (CAS) Registry No.:
    Other Names: Formic acid, caesium salt
    Marketing Name: caesium formate solution
    caesium formate brine
    Molecular Formula: CsCHO2
    Structural Formula:
    - Cs
    MolecularWeight: 177.94
    Method of Detection
    and Determination:
    Infrared (IR)
    Spectral Data: IR spectrum: 3422 (water), 2805, 1631, 1593, 1383,
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    1349, and 762 cm -1
    The following data refer to a stock solution of caesium formate (72 wt %) in water.
    Appearance at 20 °C & 101.3 kPa: colourless to very pale yellow solution with a mild
    Boiling Point: 110°C (solution decomposes above 190°C)
    Density: 2320 kg/m3 (saturated solution)
    Vapour Pressure: 0.466 kPa at 20oC, 0.732 kPa at 25oC – see comments
    Water Solubility: 4.88 g of CsHCO2 dissolve in 1 g water at 20oC;
    (density = 2.3 g/mL) – see comments below
    Partition Co-efficient
    (n-octanol/water): log Kow < -1.28 – see comments below
    Hydrolysis as a Function of pH: stable to hydrolysis at pH 4, 7 and 9; Method OECD
    TG 111 – see comments below.
    Adsorption/Desorption: log Koc = 1.87-2.93. Method OECD TG 106 – see
    comments below.
    Dissociation Constant: pKa = 3.74 ± 0.06; Method OECD TG 112 – see
    comments below
    Flash Point: not applicable
    Flammability Limits: not flammable; combustible
    Autoignition Temperature: not determined
    Explosive Properties: not expected to be explosive
    Reactivity/Stability: stable up to 190°C; classed as a mild reducing agent,
    which when in contact with oxidants, can react
    3.1. Comments on Physico-Chemical Properties
    The boiling point of concentrated aqueous salt solutions is significantly elevated above that of
    water, and the measured value is in keeping with this. The notifier also indicated that the
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    solution decomposes above 190oC, and this presumably refers to decomposition of the formate
    anion to form CO2 and hydroxide ion.
    The report on determination of vapour pressure indicated that the melting point of the solution
    should be 17oC, but that the commercial solution remained supersaturated down to 1oC. This
    may be due to the presence of relatively high concentrations of other ionic salt impurities which
    stabilise the solution in the metastable supersaturated state.
    The vapour pressure of the commercial solution was determined (Pelletier, 1998) between 1
    and 39oC using a calibrated pressure transducer and, for those temperatures between 17 and
    39oC, the data provided a linear relationship between pressure and reciprocal temperature
    (degrees K).
    Caesium formate is highly water soluble and a saturated solution at 20oC containing 4.88 kg of
    solid CsHCO2 in 1 L of water has a volume of 2.56 L and a density of 2.297 kg/L.
    Hydrolysis of the notified chemical was examined as a function of solution pH (Gibb and
    Benton, 1998a) using a 0.08 M solution held for 5 days at 50oC in buffer solutions of pH 4, 7
    and 9. After the 5 day period, the concentration of formate in the solutions was analysed using
    High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and compared with that in controls held at
    5oC in a refrigerator. No significant decrease in formate concentration was observed between
    any of the test solutions and the controls, with the maximum decrease recorded being 2.3 %.
    These results indicate insignificant hydrolytic degradation at 50oC under the test conditions, and
    even less degradation is expected at ambient temperatures.
    The n-octanol/water partition coefficient of ionic materials such as caesium formate is expected
    to be low due to the very high affinity for the aqueous phase. The partition coefficient was
    determined (Boeri et al., 1997) through direct measurement of the caesium formate
    concentration in water and n-octanol after an aqueous solution containing 0.00075 mol/L (133.4
    mg/L) of CsHCO2 was equilibrated for 6 hours at 25oC with water saturated n-octanol at
    volume ratios 1:5, 1:10 and 1:20 (water: n-octanol). Analysis was performed using HPLC, and
    in all three cases the concentration of caesium formate in the octanol was less than 0.000040
    mol/L. The partition coefficient (Pow) was consequently determined as < 0.0533, and the
    corresponding log Pow < -1.28.
    A report on the adsorption and desorption of caesium formate on three soil types was submitted
    (Gibb and Benton, 1998b). The three soil types used were an Aridisol, an Ultisol and an Alfisol
    and are characterised by different relative contents of clay, organic matter and cation exchange
    capacity (CEC).
    Soil Organic Matter (%) Clay Content (%) CEC (Cmol/kg)
    Aridsol 0.79 13.0 8.7
    Ultisol 1.95 33.0 26.2
    Alfisol 0.70 8.8 7.7
    Eight grams of each soil sample was agitated for 48 hours with solutions containing known
    concentrations of caesium formate, and the percent adsorption onto the soil monitored over the
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    test period through analysis of the residual formate concentrations in the solution. The results
    were analysed to provide a log Koc of 1.87 for the Ultisol, 2.74 for the Aridisol and 2.93 for the
    Alfisol respectively. From the physico-chemical properties of the soil supplied there appeared
    to be an inverse correlation between log Koc and the organic content of the soil, clay content of
    the soil and cation exchange capacity of the soil. Consequently it is difficult to interpret the
    apparent adsorption data with the usual soil physico-chemical parameters, but the measured log
    Koc for the formate ion are moderate, and indicate that this ion may be reasonably mobile in soil
    However, subsequent studies on desorption of the formate from the soils with either CaCl2
    solution or dilute hydrochloric acid failed to detect any formate ion in either aqueous phase, and
    the formate ion may be rapidly degraded once associated with the soil.
    The dissociation constant of the formate anion in 0.01 M caesium formate was determined
    (Gibb and Benton, 1998c) by titration with dilute (0.2 M) HCl as 3.74.
    Degree of Purity: > 98%
    Hazardous and Non-hazardous
    Impurities (> 1% by weight)
    The impurities found in a 72 % w/w aqueous caesium
    formate solution, and their reported concentrations, are
    listed below.
    Species Concentration
    Species Concentration
    K 6100 Si < 1
    Na 5300 B 2
    Rb 3200 P < 1
    Li 301 Mo < 1
    Al < 1 Tl 10
    Ba 1 Cu < 1
    Ca 1 Cr, Mn, Mg, Ni,
    < 1
    Fe < 1 SO4 23
    Sr < 1 Cl 407
    Insoluble < 100
    Chemical name: water
    CAS No.: 7732-18-5
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    Weight percentage: variable, depending upon the required solution density
    Chemical name: potassium carbonate
    CAS No.: 584-08-7
    Weight percentage: 2800 ppm; used to precipitate out transition metal
    impurities and provide a buffering for the final solution
    (to pH 10.00 ±0.5).
    Chemical name: citric acid
    Weight percentage: 150 ppm; added as a clarifier.
    CAS No.: 77-92-9
    Use and Formulation
    Caesium formate solution will be manufactured in Canada and imported for two uses. Some
    of the notified chemical will be used in coal laboratories where is will be used to prepare
    media of different densities and used to classify coal on the basis of whether the coal fractions
    sink or float in the different density media. The remainder will be used as a drilling fluid in
    the development of oil and natural gas wells worldwide. The notified chemical will be
    imported either as a concentrated aqueous solution (72 % w/w) in 70 L drums or as a solid in
    25 kg heat sealed polyethylene sacks.
    Formate based drilling fluids will be formulated by mixing sodium, potassium and caesium
    formates in water to achieve a clear solution with a specified density. The notified chemical
    will be added either as a ca. 83 % caesium formate solution in water, or as the dry powder.
    Caesium formate has been registered under the Harmonised Offshore and Chemical
    Notification Format (HOCNF) developed under the Oslo and Paris Conventions for the
    Prevention of Marine Pollution Programmes and Measures Committee (PARCOM) for use
    as a drilling fluid in the North Sea oil field.
    Coal Classification
    When used in classification of coal, samples of the washed coal are immersed in solutions of
    different concentrations, hence different densities, of caesium formate, and the coal classified
    according to the fractions which sink or float in the different media. It was stated in the
    dossier that around 15 coal testing laboratories in NSW and Queensland may use caesium
    formate for classification purposes.
    Typically testing is conducted on 1 kg samples of coal, and after the test the caesium formate
    solution separated from the coal using filtration, and recovered for re-use. Some of the
    caesium formate remains entrained with fine coal particles and otherwise adsorbed into pores
    in the coal. The majority of this is removed through washing the coal with water prior to the
    coal being returned to stockpiles, or possibly being sent to landfill. The wash water is
    reconcentrated through evaporation to its original density, and used in subsequent testing.
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    Nevertheless, despite the high level of re-use of these variable density fluids, some losses are
    incurred. A typical laboratory may lose 110 L of the 72 % (specific gravity 2.14) caesium
    formate solution each year. Since there may be 15 laboratories using the new chemical, this
    leads to an annual loss estimate of around 1650 L, amounting to ca. 2.54 tonnes of solid
    caesium formate.
    Oil / Gas Drilling
    Large quantities of the caesium formate solution will be used in oil/gas drilling operations on
    off shore drilling platforms. In particular, the solution will be used during completion phases
    of the drilling operation when breaching of the actual oil/gas reservoirs occurs. During
    drilling operations, a drilling fluid (often also called “drilling mud” is pumped down the drill
    shaft and functions as a lubricant for the drills, and also acts as a carrier fluid for removing
    the solid cuttings (i.e. the rock removed from the bore hole). The drilling fluid must possess
    certain density and rheological properties to function effectively under the conditions
    encountered in wells, and conventionally such fluids are prepared from oil based products
    supplemented with barium sulphate (as a weighting agent) and other organic additives. In
    certain circumstances, the use of aqueous caesium formate solutions (whose density can be
    adjusted through dilution with water) dispenses with large scale use of organic materials and
    barium sulphate in this role. This lessens potential release of organic material to the
    environment, and is also claimed to offer other practical engineering advantages during well
    drilling (Howard, 1995).
    During the development of a well, the drilling fluid is pumped down the centre of the
    (hollow) drilling rods and is extruded through holes in the cutting head, which is of larger
    bore than the shaft of drill rods. The fluid then fills the annular region between the bore hole
    (typically 21.6 cm to 31.1 cm in diameter – see Cobby and Craddock, 1999) and the drilling
    shaft, and as it is pushed back towards the surface and carries the drill cuttings with it. The
    bore hole is cased and fitted with appropriate valves and plumbing to allow for the return of
    the fluid and cuttings back to the drilling platform or drilling rig. Here the solid cuttings are
    separated from the fluid through a series of shaker tables, centrifugation and filtration units so
    that, apart from operational losses, the drilling fluid is contained within a closed loop.
    The cuttings are then automatically dumped overboard, while the fluid itself is returned to the
    storage tank for reuse. It is usual that on off shore drilling platforms the tailings (cuttings) are
    discharged through a pipe set a little below the sea surface, but far above the sea floor.
    In the submission, the company indicated that the discarded drill cuttings may contain up to
    15 % (w/w) of the drilling fluid, although when centrifugation is employed this may be
    dramatically reduced, and residual fluid levels as low as 1 % have been recorded. It was not
    indicated in the notification whether centrifugation will be used on the North West shelf
    operations but, regardless of the efficiency of the recovery operations employed, some fluid
    will be ultimately discharged overboard with the drill cuttings and enter the marine
    The percentage of drilling fluid recovered as described above was not indicated but, due to
    the anticipated high cost of the caesium formate solution, is expected to be high. The notifier
    included a copy of a detailed Loss Management Manual for the use of drill rig operators and
    personnel involved in transporting and transferring the chemical to the drilling platforms.
    However the company has not specified the recovery technologies to be used on Australian
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    drilling platforms, or expected quantities of the notified chemical likely to be released with
    discarded drill cuttings. Accordingly, for the purposes of this report it will be assumed that
    discarded cuttings will contain 10 % by weight of entrained drilling fluid.
    The quantity of drilling fluid used in drilling the wells is variable (depends on drill well depth
    and location), but the notifier stated that a typical oil/gas drilling platform may use 1500
    barrels of the notified chemical (around 160 tonnes of solid caesium formate) during drilling
    each new well. The company indicated that up to four wells may be drilled each year using
    the new caesium formate based fluids, and so in excess of 600 tonnes of the chemical may be
    in use at any one time.
    It is anticipated that up to 2250 tonnes per annum will be imported for all uses. The company
    indicated that up to 3 tonnes of the notified chemical would be imported for coal sink use in
    the first year, and that subsequent imports of 1 tonne per annum could be anticipated in order
    to replenish losses. However, this may be conservative and, from indicative losses given in
    the notification, the required replenishment quantities appear to be closer to 2.5 tonnes per
    The major use for the chemical will be in oil/gas drilling on off shore drilling platforms, and
    here the notifier indicated that a typical well may use up to 1500 drums (10500 L) of the 72 %
    caesium formate solution which equates to the use of ca. 162 tonnes of solid caesium
    formate. Since it is likely that stockpile of material sufficient for developing at least two wells
    would be kept in Australia at any time, likely annual imports of caesium formate for this
    purpose may exceed 300 tonnes. Every attempt is made to recover and reuse the drilling fluid
    after completion of the well, but some losses are inevitable and will require replacement
    through import of replacement stocks.
    Transport and Storage
    Estimates of the numbers of workers involved in these activities were not provided. No
    exposure of workers involved in transport or storage of drums of caesium formate solution or
    sacks of dry powder is expected except in the case of an accident involving damage to the
    packaging. Due to the hygroscopic nature of the notified chemical, storage will always be in
    enclosed, airtight packaging.
    Coal Classication
    Approximately 3 people in each of four coal laboratories will use caesium formate at one
    time. Coal samples will be placed in caesium formate solutions of specified density manually.
    The grains which float are removed, the excess solution is drained off and the grains which
    sank are placed in a solution of higher density. Once the coal has been separated into its
    density fractions, the coal fractions are thoroughly washed with water to remove any residual
    formate. The washed coal is then oven dried. All formate washings are collected and reconcentrated
    to the original density (2.14 g/L) by water evaporation.
    Dermal exposure to the notified chemical in aqueous solution may occur at a number of
    points during this process. There is also the possibility of splashing resulting in ocular
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    contact. The notifier stated that laboratory staff will be required to wear goggles and rubber or
    nitrile gloves during these activities. As the notified chemical is hygroscopic, spills will not
    dry to produce dust.
    Oil / Gas Drilling
    During the use of caesium formate as a drilling and completion fluid, the total number of
    industry persons who will be exposed to the caesium formate during the period of its initial
    testing will be less than 200 persons worldwide. The team involved in drilling generally
    includes a person who directs the overall operations on behalf of the operator, the drilling
    superintendent who directs the day to day operations, drillers, toolpushers, roustabouts and
    fluid people. The fluids team involve at least two people who mix, test and control the
    drilling fluid properties while drilling operations are in progress. There will also be use of the
    notified chemical solution by the completion team. The activities of the completion team
    were not specified by the notifier, but are expected to involve similar exposure scenarios for
    the notified chemical. All workers will be experienced personnel trained in the handling,
    mixing and application of such drilling fluids, either in laboratory settings or in field
    applications for drilling and completing oil and gas wells.
    The notified chemical will be used by drilling contractors in closed-loop systems at the
    wellhead therefore worker exposure to the caesium formate solution will be restricted to
    exposure to drips and spills when the notified chemical solution is decanted or pumped from
    the importation drum into the enclosed drilling system. There may also be exposure during
    sampling of the fluid for testing of viscosity or other properties, and when the fluid is
    transferred for storage during recovery operations. When dry powder is used to prepare the
    drilling fluids, it will dissolve rapidly into drilling fluid formulations. Any dusts are expected
    to absorb water from the atmosphere and minimal exposure to the dry powder form of the
    notified chemical is therefore expected. There may be exposure of workers to significant
    volumes of the notified chemical when the drill bit is manipulated during replacement or
    removal from the drill hole. No worker exposure is anticipated during transfer of the notified
    chemical from storage to the drilling site or during storage on a drilling rig.
    The protection measures used to prevent exposure of these workers were not specified by the
    notifier, however the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the notified chemical indicates
    that appropriate clothing, gloves and eye protection (goggles or face shield) should be worn.
    The workers involved in testing, mixing and application of fluids are generally petroleum
    engineers with specific skills and training in the design and application of drilling and
    completion fluids.
    It is expected that during transport, formulation, storage, and use, exposure of the public to
    the notified chemical will be low.
    Given that the use of the notified chemical will be restricted to coal testing laboratories and
    onshore/offshore drilling operations, no public exposure is anticipated except in the event of
    an accidental spill during transport from the docks to the drilling sites and coal testing
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    8.1 Release
    Coal Classication
    Approximately 2.5 tonnes of caesium formate may be released each year from use of the
    notified chemical in coal classification laboratories, primarily in NSW and Queensland. Most
    of this material will be associated with the coal samples used for the tests, with the bulk
    returned to coal stockpiles for sale. Once the coal is burnt, the caesium component will be
    associated with the ash which would most probably be placed into a landfill. The caesium
    would most likely be in the form of soluble salts such as oxides or carbonates, and would
    consequently be susceptible to leaching from the landfill. However, the associated release will
    be diffuse and at very low levels.
    Some of the unburnt test coal containing entrained caesium formate may be placed into
    landfill, but the likely quantity was not specified. The fate of any entrained caesium formate
    would be similar to that for the coal ash.
    Oil / Gas Drilling
    Much of the notified chemical used in drilling fluids (or muds) is expected to be released with
    the waste drill cuttings to the marine environment. While no quantitative estimates or
    examples of these releases were provided in the notification it will be assumed that the drill
    cuttings contain up to 10 % of the new chemical. The tailings are discharged through a pipe
    just below the surface and, once discharged from the drilling rig, it is expected that the solid
    drill cuttings coated with residual drilling fluid would eventually settle to the sea floor.
    However, depending on factors such as particle size, sea conditions, weather conditions and
    ocean currents, the deposition may take some time. Also, it is likely that the distribution
    would be disperse, and that the discarded cuttings would be spread over a wide area of the sea
    Caesium formate solution will be used for development of the wells near the vicinity of the
    reservoirs, ie drilling holes from the main well shaft into the rock formations which actually
    contain the oil and gas. No information on the length, diameter and number of such
    development holes for any given well was provided in the notification, but it will be assumed
    that the waste generated is equivalent to that of the major well drilling operation. On a typical
    production drilling platform, each bore hole may be between 1 and 4 km in length. Given that
    the typical diameter of a production hole is 31.1 cm, it is estimated that each well may
    produce between 75 and 300 m3 of rock cuttings with a weight of approximately 150-600
    tonnes. Assuming that the cuttings contain 10 % of drilling fluid, each well may be
    responsible for release of up to 60 tonnes of the drilling fluid containing an estimated 42
    tonnes of caesium formate. Since caesium formate brines may be used in drilling up to four
    wells each year, an annual release of around 170 tonnes of caesium formate is anticipated, ie
    around 130 tonnes of caesium.
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    8.2 Fate
    Coal Classification
    When the coal containing residual material is burnt, the formate component of the notified
    chemical will be destroyed (producing CO2 and water vapour), while the caesium will
    become associated with the ash, probably as an oxide or carbonate. Coal ash would normally
    be disposed of into landfill. It is likely that the residual caesium salts would be susceptible to
    leaching as ground water percolates through these structures, consequently releasing this
    element to the aquatic environment.
    Drilling Fluid
    It is difficult to estimate the quantity of caesium formate likely to be released to the marine
    environment with well drill cuttings but, assuming four wells are drilled each year, up to 170
    tonnes of caesium formate may be released each year to the marine environment in
    association with discarded drill cuttings.
    However, due to the high solubility of the material, the notified chemical is expected to
    diffuse into the surrounding sea water and is not expected to remain adsorbed to the drill
    cuttings. The formate component will be degraded through abiotic and biotic processes, while
    the caesium (ca. 130 tonnes per annum) would remain in solution. Since the caesium formate
    will be released in high concentration around each drilling rig, the caesium levels in the
    surrounding water will be significantly elevated above ambient concentrations.
    The notifier provided a test report on the ready biodegradation of the chemical (Douglas and
    King, 1992b) which was performed using the closed bottle procedure of OECD TG 301 D.
    This test measures the decay of dissolved oxygen in a closed vessel containing the test
    material (initial concentration 45 mg/L) inoculated with sewage bacteria over a 28 day period.
    The results indicated that 83 % of the test compound had degraded after 28 days, and also
    since 60 % degradation had occurred within 10 days of the 10 % degradation point being
    reached, the notified chemical passes the criteria for ready biodegradability. In a parallel study
    using sodium benzoate, this reference compound was degraded 92 % after 28 days, which
    indicates that the bacterial culture used in the test was viable.
    Only the formate anion component of the notified chemical is degraded, and the caesium will
    be unaffected by bacterial action.
    The highly soluble nature of the notified chemical, together with its biodegradability,
    indicates that it is not likely to have significant potential for bioaccumulation.
    9.1 Acute Toxicity
    A number of toxicological studies have been carried out on the notified chemical, however
    data supporting some of these tests were not available. Some data reported is given as a
    summary originating from internal Shell reports undertaken in 1994.
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    Summary of the acute toxicity of caesium formate solution (83 %)
    Test Species Outcome Reference
    acute oral toxicity rat LD50 = 1780 mg/kg (Harrod (1997a)
    acute dermal toxicity
    rat LD50 > 2000 mg/kg (Shell, 1994)
    skin irritation rabbit slight irritant (Harrod, 1997b)
    eye irritation rabbit moderate irritant (Harrod, 1997c)
    skin sensitisation
    rabbit non-sensitiser (Shell, 1994)
    9.1.1 Acute Oral Toxicity (Harrod, 1997a)
    Species/strain: rat/Sprague-Dawley
    Number/sex of animals: 5/sex/dose
    Observation period: 14 days
    Method of administration: gavage; 1250, 1580, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg
    Test method: OECD TG 401
    Mortality: all animals at 5000 mg/kg and 9/10 animals at 2000 mg/kg
    died within the first day after treatment
    Clinical observations: animals at dose levels of 1580 mg/kg and above exhibited
    varying degrees of depression, convulsions, respiratory
    distress, ataxia, excessive salivation, masticatory movements
    and gross signs of distress and external staining; faecal stains
    were noted at the 1250 mg/kg dose level
    all surviving animals exhibited body weight gain at day 14
    Morphological findings: gross necropsy findings for animals that died during the
    observation period included those generally seen in agonal
    animals, with indications of gastro-intestinal irritation and
    external staining; there were no gross pathological changes
    observed in animals which survived the 14 day observation
    LD50: 1780 mg/kg
    Result: the notified chemical was of low acute oral toxicity in rats.
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    9.1.2 Dermal Toxicity
    No test reports concerning the acute dermal toxicity of the notified chemical were submitted.
    A summary of toxicology testing on the notified chemical (Shell, 1994) included data on
    dermal toxicity testing. Doses of 50, 400 and 2000 mg/kg were administered to groups of 2
    male and 2 female rats. Sites of application showed erythema on day 2, or on days 2 and 3.
    The acute dermal toxicity of caesium formate monohydrate was greater than 2000 mg/kg.
    9.1.3 Acute Inhalational Toxicity
    No test reports were submitted.
    9.1.4 Skin Irritation (Harrod, 1997b)
    Species/strain: rabbit/New Zealand White
    Number/sex of animals: 3/sex
    Observation period: 7 days
    Method of administration: 500 μL of undiluted caesium formate was applied by a
    closed patch method to intact skin for 4 hrs
    Test method: OECD TG 404
    Draize scores:
    Time after Animal #
    1♂ 2♂ 3♂ 4♀ 5♀ 6♀
    1 hour 2a 2 2 1 2 1
    1 1 1 1 1 2 1
    2 1 1 0 1 1 1
    3 1 0 0 1 1 0
    7 0 0 0
    1 hour 2 2 1 1 2 2
    1 1 1 0 0 1 1
    2 1 1 0 0 1 0
    3 1 0 0 0 1 0
    7 0 0 0
    a see Attachment 1 for Draize scales
    17 October, 2001
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    Comment: partial recovery in three animals and full recovery in three
    animals were noted at 72 hours; full recovery was noted in
    the remaining animals by day 7; two animals showed
    desquamation at day 7; the Primary Irritation Index was
    calculated to be 1.8
    Result: the notified chemical was a slight irritant to the skin of
    9.1.5 Eye Irritation (Harrod, 1997c)
    Species/strain: rabbit/New Zealand White
    Number/sex of animals: 3/sex
    Observation period: 14 days
    Method of administration: 100 μL undiluted caesium formate delivered into the right
    eye of each animal
    Test method: OECD TG 405
    Draize scores of unirrigated eyes:
    Time after instillation
    Animal 1 hour 1 day 2 days 3 days
    Cornea all Draize scores were zero
    1♂ 1 0 0 0
    2♂ 1 0 0 0
    3♂ 1 0 0 0
    4♀ 1 0 0 0
    5♀ 1 0 0 0
    6♀ 1 0 0 0
    Conjunctiva r c d r c d r c d r c d
    1♂ 1a 2 3 2a 2 2 2a 1 0 2a 1 0
    2♂ 2a 3 3 2a 2 3 2a 2 1 2a 1 0
    3♂ 1a 2 2 2a 2 2 2a 1 0 1 1 0
    4♀ 1a 2 3 2a 2 2 2a 2 0 2a 1 0
    5♀ 1a 2 3 2a 2 1 2a 2 1 2a 1 0
    6♀ 2a 2 3 2a 2 1 2a 2 0 2a 1 0
    17 October, 2001
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    Time after instillation
    Animal 4 days 7 days 14 days
    Conjunctiva r c d r c d r c d
    1♂ 2a 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
    2♂ 1a 1 0 1a 1 0 0 0 0
    3♂ 1 1 0 0 0 0
    4♀ 1a 1 0 1a 1 0 0 0 0
    5♀ 1a 1 0 1a 1 0 0 0 0
    6♀ 1a 1 0 1a 1 0 0 0 0
    1 see Attachment 1 for Draize scales
    r = redness c = chemosis d = discharge
    a = one or more of the additional observations discussed below were also reported
    Comment: iritis in all animals cleared by 24 hours; no corneal opacity
    was observed
    additional observations included a blistered appearance to
    the conjunctiva or nictitating membrane, areas of
    conjunctiva or nictitating membrane appeared haemorrhagic,
    and areas of nictitating membrane appeared blanched
    Result: the notified chemical was moderately irritating to the eyes of
    9.1.6 Skin Sensitisation
    No test reports concerning the skin sensitizing potential of the notified chemical were
    submitted. A summary of toxicology testing on the notified chemical (Shell, 1994) included
    data on a Buehler test with induction and challenge by occluded topical application of 80 %
    w/v caesium formate in water. None of the 20 test animals showed any overt reaction to
    9.2. Repeated Dose Toxicity
    Repeated dose toxicity data for caesium formate were not available. The subchronic effects of
    the notified chemical are expected to be those of the constituent parts, the formate anion and
    the caesium cation. In the stomach, these are likely to be in the form of formic acid and
    caesium chloride, respectively.
    Formic acid did not demonstrate any significant toxicity in rats when administered in their
    drinking water 4 (0.5% and 1.0%) for 2 to 27 weeks (Sollman, 1921). In a 6 week test in rats,
    the same doses are reported to have resulted in reduction in organ weights and body weight
    gain (Gangolli, 1999). The caesium cation is reported to be of higher toxicity than Na+, but
    17 October, 2001
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    lower toxicity than K+, Li+ or Rb+ (Burt, 1986). It is further stated by Burt that the toxicology
    of caesium compounds results from the anion rather than the caesium cation.
    9.3 Genotoxicity
    9.3.1 Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Assay
    No test reports concerning the genotoxicity of the notified chemical were submitted. A
    summary of toxicology testing on the notified chemical (Shell, 1994) included data on a point
    mutation test. The notified chemical was not mutagenic in both the presence and absence of
    liver S-9 fraction in two strains. The tests were not performed in duplicate.
    9.3.2 Chromosomal Aberration Assay in Human lymphocytes (Akhurst, 1995)
    Cells: human lymphocytes
    Metabolic activation
    S-9 mix (rat liver)
    Dosing schedule: 625, 1250, 2500 and 5000 μg/mL
    Study Number
    Test concentration (μg/mL) Controls
    1 treatment time = 18 hour harvest
    (625, 1250 and 2500 μg/mL)
    2 treatment time = 18 hour harvest
    (625, 1250 and 2500 μg/mL)
    treatment time = 32 hour harvest
    (1250 μg/mL)
    Positive: EMS
    Negative: DMSO
    1 treatment time = 18 hour harvest
    (625, 2500 and 5000 μg/mL)
    2 treatment time = 18 hour harvest
    (625, 2500 and 5000 μg/mL)
    treatment time = 32 hour harvest
    (500 μg/mL)
    Positive: CP
    Negative: water
    EMS - ethyl methanesulphonate ; CP - cyclophosphamide ; DMSO – dimethylsulphoxide; - cultures selected
    for metaphase analysis
    Test method: OECD TG 473
    Comment: no precipitation was observed; without S9 activation, the
    notified chemical was cytotoxic at 5000 μg/plate; slight
    toxicity was observed at this dose with S9 metabolic
    the notified chemical caused no substantial increase in the
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    proportion of metaphase cells containing chromosomal
    aberrations at any dose level when compared with the
    solvent control
    in the absence of metabolic activation, there was a
    statistically significant increase in the proportion of aberrant
    cells at 2500 μg/mL, 18 hour harvest in the second test,
    however the proportion was marginally above the historical
    control value and no similar increase was observed in the
    first test
    all positive control compounds caused large, statistically
    significant increases in the proportion of aberrant cells
    Result: the notified chemical was non clastogenic under the
    conditions of the test
    9.4 Overall Assessment of Toxicological Data
    Caesium formate solution (83%) had low acute oral toxicity in rats (LD50 = 1780 mg/kg),
    with clinical signs including depression, convulsions, respiratory distress, ataxia, excessive
    salivation, masticatory movements, and signs of distress and external staining at > 1250
    mg/kg, faecal stains were, evident at 1250 mg/kg. Caesium formate solution (83 %) was a
    slight skin irritant and a moderate eye irritant. In the eye irritation study, iritis was seen in all
    rabbits at 1 hour, with resolution at 24 hours. Conjunctival erythema and oedema occurred in
    all rabbits from 1 hour to 7 days after instillation. Conjunctival chemosis was evident in all
    rabbits at 1 to 48 hours after instillation. Some or all of the following observations occurred
    in all rabbits from 1 hour up to 7 days after instillation; blistering of the conjunctiva,
    blanching and/or blistering of the nictitating membrane, and haemorrhagic areas in the
    conjunctiva and/or nictitating membrane, All signs of irritation had cleared by day 14.
    Summaries of experimental findings were submitted for the following endpoints. Caesium
    formate monohydrate had low dermal (LD50 >2000 mg/kg) toxicity in rats, with signs of
    erythema, noted at sites of application on days 2 and 3. Aqueous Caesium formate (80 % w/v)
    was not sensitising to guinea pigs in a Buehler test. An acute inhalation study was not
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