SOR 2.44% 4.2¢ strategic elements limited


  1. 11,641 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2062
    The only other commercial printed memory ink I have found is now owned by Xerox, who bought it from ThinFilm in 2018. Prior to selling it to Xerox their was a licence agreement between the two which from what I can tell appeared to bring in revenue of something like US$1m for ThinFilm, and that memory was quite limited in application due to being limited to about 32 bits of information and did not appear to have re-write ability, ie write once, read repeatedly.

    SOR’s memory ink is much more functional in its present form and is still being improved and refined. The main question for me is how does it compare in terms of cost and fabrication process?

    SOR has spent time refining and simplifying the fabrication process but have they done enough yet to make it commercial in its current form?
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