STX 0.00% 23.0¢ strike energy limited

Ann: South Erregulla Update, page-178

  1. 2,040 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2898
    yip I'm into Buru now

    Originally posted by khopchai:
    You could always sell and move on, then you won't have to worry about this pesky company and their management. You could focus on another, more promising company, who's management is more in alignment with your idea of business ethics.
    yip I'm into Buru now

    toots you are killing me, they are now back to where they were when you posted this lol

    "yip I'm into Buru now"
    2,219 Posts.
    Originally posted by khopchai:
    You could always sell and move on, then you won't have to worry about this pesky company and their management. You could focus on another, more promising company, who's management is more in alignment with your idea of business ethics.
    yip I'm into Buru now
    now lets get onto GLL another big winner for you, you are certainly mastering water divining smile.png

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