WGO 0.00% 35.5¢ warrego energy limited

AWE needed to do 4 wells as the PB wasnt well understood at the...

  1. 1,936 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 241
    AWE needed to do 4 wells as the PB wasnt well understood at the time. WE2 results has just reinforced the knowledge gained from waitsia and added additional info about the sweet spots within the trough...i doubt a predator will need to see the results of additional wells to sure up their opinion on the PB....
    just remember AWE was flapping around the 30 to mid 40cent range for ages until waitsia 4 was done and flow tested before the bids came in that drove it to 95c
    dont be surprised if a TO bid doesn't even come or if it does it might be 12 months away. M&As are an unpredictable beast and can come when u least expect it, and dont come when u really want it....ive been trading O&G shares for around 15yrs and ive only been involved in a handful of TOs yet every stock i had was supposedly a sure thing re a TO.
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