WGO 0.00% 35.5¢ warrego energy limited

Ann: STX: West Erregulla 2 Update, page-59

  1. 2,463 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    no I’m not DC.

    Youll find in’s all the info in releases made by the company.

    Just intrigued me that not many PRL holders know about what’s happening there.

    just criticise.

    Anyway heres to a continuing turnaround from prl.

    Also remember that WGO brought WE2 to the partnership.

    STX are paying $11 million for 50%

    but also take over as operator.

    So wgo are not just hangin around to make up the numbers.

    all the best to all holders from wherever you came. Just be nice
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Currently unlisted public company.

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