The majority opinion on AGO was at 1.0c that it was dead
The majority opinion at 2.3c-4.2c was buy
Those opinions were mixed the latest were correct.
But those who told us crap on here that it was dead and not to buy low under 3c were FOS.
We can all see that now.
Those who told us how great AGO was at $4 $3 $1 were all also FOS.
The real money was mnade at 20c to $4 and from 1c to 5c and 1.3c to 4.6c
that was some serious guts to get in at those prices when it may have gone bust or when we were told it was in palliative care!
Its shares not houses, you must sell at highs and buy at lows, it dont go up forever.
Congrats to Gina, you've got balls of steel!
Can you please take care of our beloved workers and WA assets like they are your own?
Can you please flip something to FMG and buy into some other investments in which i invest?
If Gina is reading this and I think she is, please give this a thumbs up!