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Ann: Tabac Project- Intersection of Potential Cobalt Bearing Zone, page-181

  1. 1,550 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 224
    Whether Magellan ties in or not we have elevated Co in soil sampling on top of 011. Also potential economic gold in ACM assays 7km apart. Down hole geology comparisons suggest variance to ACM. Potential massive hydrothermal system where 011 may lay on the perimeter (who knows?) - low sulphide zone- whereas 009 may be on top of 30m massive sulphides... they just don't know because nobody ever drilled deep enough.

    Of course there is reason to test a couple of km away. You assume the whole basin is devoid of any economical mineralisation and is uniform at depth? Based on what? ESP?

    You have a negative bias towards the project and it's manager. Just come clean S
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