TLG 4.85% 54.0¢ talga group ltd

Ann: Talga Investor Webinar, page-6

  1. 34 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 82
    I fully expect my Webinar question to be ignored - I've asked for a long overdue Progress Report, on the 2 ships that were partially Painted with a Graphene test product.

    I really don't mind if one of them was last seen entering the Bermuda Triangle, or being told the other is parked up on a Bangladeshi mudflat, being cut up for scrap ? Or perhaps the issue will be addressed shortly - but for f**** sake, give us something to chew on, the silence has been deafening.

    P.S. on a more important note - Get the Asti Spumante ready, because our foresight and patience is about to be massively rewarded.

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