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Exactly DA,to the East the grades keep getting higher. The fact...

  1. 4,136 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1782
    Exactly DA,
    to the East the grades keep getting higher. The fact JS has referenced Hole 8 (which was the 'game changer") implies that this is seriously bigger than they originally thought.

    Once the market fully realizes the implications of this statement, this will move.

    There is always a lag between news and the comprehension of what's unfolding here.

    At least no one can say they didn't get a chance to load up.

    Happy to let this move in sync with the upswing in annual gold price sentiment, June is always the lowest point.

    Well done Jason and team, once again.
    Last edited by BaltasarG: 22/06/21
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