TVN 4.55% 11.5¢ tivan limited

It appears as though TNG have been to slow in developing its...

  1. 153 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 143
    It appears as though TNG have been to slow in developing its vanadium sector for the energy market, and the market has now shifted to hydrogen to store its energy. This was always the risk with TNG, the inability of getting anything done in a timely manner always meant the risk of being overrun by another technology, which has now clearly occurred as shown in the below link.

    Vanadium flow batteries were always looked at as being the shining light of base energy storage for larger scale needs ie. hospitals, subdivisions etc. But with the emergence of the hydrogen and hydrogen battery storage sector, this is now past the tipping point of price competitiveness and vanadium is no longer viewed as the solution for battery storage with hydrogen now storing energy in batteries safely.


    I wonder how the progress of BOOT facilities financing arrangements are going? Does anyone know, as there has not yet been one announcement as to where that $800m component is coming from. What about the German $Billion+ funding which is also needed...crickets...

    I keep coming back to look at TNG's progress, and its like watching Days of our Lives...they are still drinking the same cup of coffee a year later. This has at least 3 years until funding is approved for all components, and then a 2 year construction period. That is 2026, with the TNG vanadium of no use now, is TNG and its TIVAN still financially viable?
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