Ann: TNG Signs Heads of Agreement with VRFB Producer, page-10

  1. 5,059 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3450
    Sun Cable could need storage :

    They have an NTEPA application concurrent to TNG's

    Location is South of Darwin & they are going to build a manufacturing facility in Darwin for the 5B modules they are going to use, possibly ship them on the same rail line as TNG will use.

    Sun Cable earmarks site for 10GW solar farm at cattle station south of Darwin

    Sun Cable submits plans for gigawatt-scale solar manufacturing plant in Darwin

    Proponent: Sun Cable Pty Ltd

    The challenges facing Australia’s ambitious plan to power Singapore via underwater cable
    Singapore has not agreed to purchase any power
    A project of this magnitude needs a lot of investment funding to get off the ground. Much of that will need to come from the Singaporean Government and other south-east Asian countries.

    I can't find the article, but I did read that Singapore may have been seeking guarantee of supply/reliability.

    So maybe not a distraction, in so much as an indication of where financing could come from & a solid segueway into another business arm.

    14GW of solar would probably need A LOT of GWh of battery to support it.
    "battery storage facilities of up to 33GWh"

    With, I think from memory, it was 1 Tonne of V2O5 per MWh of electrolyte storage.
    Last edited by Propunter2: 13/04/21
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