TVN 2.22% 11.0¢ tivan limited

Ann: TNG to undertake $12.5M Entitlement Issue, page-141

  1. 741 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    If your approved allocation is 500,000 for instance, you can apply for as many more as you want just by Bpaying (or however you pay) the additional amount to cover the number of shares you want to apply for.
    So instead of paying $50,000 for your 500,000 shares you could pay $100,000 and apply for 1,000,000 shares. If they're undersubscribed then you get the additional shares, if they're oversubscribed then you get a refund of the additional $50,000.
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11.0¢ 11.5¢ 11.0¢ $79.88K 724.2K

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11.5¢ 602610 6
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