RMX 0.00% 0.8¢ red mountain mining limited

CHK also said in the ann for the TH it was for a CR and an...

  1. 494 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31
    CHK also said in the ann for the TH it was for a CR and an acquisition. This did not.

    However we have enough funds - the previous ann as The Architect laid out above clearly states RMX is fully funded for this - even for the $250k cash to paid for 51%. And they stated 'no share dilution'

    - here we are raising cash when it was said we are fully funded
    - here we are diluting shares when it was said that wouldn't happen
    - and here we are doing it earlier than needed when a better price could arguably be got once drilling commences or when drill results are known.

    Are they doing the cap raise now, like DKO did a while back, before results are known 'just in case'
    or maybe it is for the acquisition or a larger drill campaign or something else we don't know about it. I feel we don't have all the puzzle pieces yet..

    Anyway - its all speculation till Friday - see you then...
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