SPX 0.00% 1.0¢ spenda limited

I have signed the contract after seeing all the demos - we...

  1. 40 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 94
    I have signed the contract after seeing all the demos - we should start using the software in-store in 2 weeks. Few delays as I have so many products so just need to get it right.

    My websites are custom built to my specific needs which took forever to create ( always creating new add-one and new features ) so I have introduced CRO to that particular company ( hundreds of clients ) moving forward the idea would be that the in-store spenda software takes payment online on all my websites not to mention controlling online pricing and stock availability.

    I’m confident they will agree to something - once agreed CRO will be introduced to hundreds of new clients where the potential to use their payment gateway in-store and online.
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