IXC 0.00% 7.0¢ invex therapeutics ltd

Let's hope so @mcexplorer. I really hope this deal (i.e.,...

  1. 415 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 59
    Let's hope so @mcexplorer. I really hope this deal (i.e., assuming it is with AZ or another big pharma) comes with plans or funding to examine the efficacy of Exenatide/Presendin study in another population (e.g., COVID). I understand that over the next few months we need to focus on IIH patients, sort out the EMA/FDA pathway, and progress the Phase 3 trial(s), but at the moment it's an all or nothing scenario. We need to increase our pipeline to de-risk, improve the value proposition, and get buy in + publicity + interest from the wider market. One step at a time I guess
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1 17731 7.0¢

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7.2¢ 2873 1
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Last trade - 16.12pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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