I didn't have any particular insight in my video other than a benchmarking exercise for other projects in West Africa in the last 5 years. The main points were that the schedule and estimate seemed on the aggressive side. In the below post in November I also mentioned the risk of not raising enough in an inflationary environment.
https://hotcopper.com.au/posts/57608723/singleWAF were originally criticized by many on hotcopper for raising too much in 2018 but doing one-and-done was ultimately the right choice and set them up for success.
Historically when companies I have owned have come back to the market with a second raising it's been a precursor to other issues down the track. DCN and GCY notable examples.
Even though TIE fits on paper into a category of stocks that I typically buy, I have avoided it. Partly that's from some concerns around the geology, but also a gut feel that this is still an exploration company moving into development and production. Putting out infill drill results of 1m at 100g/t is no longer what this is about.