3DA 4.48% 35.0¢ amaero international ltd

The news was out, we are now back to square one. The funding...

  1. 126 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 24
    The news was out, we are now back to square one. The funding from the JV was key to all of this. Any idea what changed? Anyone with information on this?

    long waiting game now....

    Despite that Hank is an impressive operator, he will be working on Plan B.
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33.0¢ 35.0¢ 32.5¢ $95.25K 278.2K

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2 26565 34.0¢

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35.5¢ 9481 4
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Last trade - 10.49am 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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