BRU 4.55% 4.6¢ buru energy limited

It will likely depend on the character of the farm in partner/s...

  1. 2,672 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 483
    It will likely depend on the character of the farm in partner/s and what their objectives are. To my mind we need at least one Ungani lookalike and one Ungani FW lookalike drilled.

    Butler is at least partially a work commitment drill (EP 129 specifies MAR 18 but it's in the process of extension) and possible REY partnership. L17 is a production license, I'm actually reasonably sure they've wanted to test Hot Dog for 7 years.
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4.6¢ 4.7¢ 4.5¢ $1.052K 22.88K

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2 38748 4.6¢

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4.9¢ 15000 1
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