MSB 0.70% $2.89 mesoblast limited

FDA- more data please Meso- ok we will take our current stock...

  1. 3,382 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2362
    FDA- more data please

    Meso- ok we will take our current stock and stick it in the sickest adult salvage therapy, highest grade aGvHD patients that have 80% plus mortality.

    FDA- Ok- terrific- now can you keep supplying the kids while you do the trial because nothing else works.

    Meso- Well you see , we need to use the stock allocated for the kids under 12 , in the dying adults now - perhaps you can use Rux or something?

    FDA- oh , we haven't thought this through have we??

    Meso- not really , no . Here's an idea though - you can give pediatric accelerated approval while we complete the adult trial?

    It ain't over folks

    Grim news for holders for sure

    Si - tell the FDA the EAP ceases when the adult trial begins .
    That gives the FDA some grim news of their own

    Harsh? Company needs to be viable or no one gets help


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Mkt cap ! $3.662B
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$2.83 $2.92 $2.82 $8.688M 3.029M

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1 20000 $2.88

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$2.90 81159 8
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Last trade - 16.10pm 28/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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