WBT 2.78% $2.59 weebit nano ltd

Ann: Update on Israel situation - Weebit's operations unaffected, page-22

  1. 5,861 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1998
    $10.00 now looks good hey ? I’ve been there before and for a few years at 28c know how it feels mate and said the same think I’d love to sell up $80c but I didn’t and glad I didn’t, I’ll stick around for $150 thanks . I hope Coby comes through but with all that’s happening over there I’m just hopeful it is sorted ASAP for those poor people that have to live in fear every day ! This has really thrown the Spanner into the works , and there we were worrying about shorters .
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Mkt cap ! $536.8M
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$2.52 $2.68 $2.52 $1.820M 694.1K

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1 843 $2.59

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$2.67 7658 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 27/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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