IHL 0.00% 4.1¢ incannex healthcare limited

Ann: Update on Nasdaq Listing, page-667

  1. 1,395 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 457
    Well said malk . The work of the board and staff has been exceptional under trying circumstances throughout covid . They have and are continuing to deliver through hard work , persistence and strategic analysis and the courage to change tack when necessary and also exercising commercial nouse when required swiftly .

    They have overcome many hurdles to get us where we are and now for the results and growth as the business progresses .

    In addition I feel it is to be acknowledged that he BOD has to date changed the lives of the invested shareholders and will I feel continue to do so as they build the business . Well done to all involved to get where we are to date which is no easy task . I am now looking forward to further growth from here .
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Currently unlisted public company.

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