AJX 0.00% 1.3¢ alexium international group limited

Ann: Updated Shareholder / Investor Presentation, page-93

  1. 1,909 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    The meeting last night painted a picture of a young company learning on the job, refreshingly admitting to making mistakes on the way, but in the process of knitting together a cohesive strategy for developing the business.

    They realised over time that they can't be an FR or PCM supermarket but initially need to focus on a few key market opportunities to get the most bang for the buck at this time. Both Bob and Dirk emphasised that a key differentiator for Alexium is the simplicity of the single step chemistry application process whereas competitors, apart from toxicity issues, often have very complex processes which are not a good fit for client companies who are not in the chemistry business and can struggle to seamlessly integrate the processes into their production platforms.

    Gaining the confidence of clients in some industries can take time because they have closely guarded proprietry content for starters which needs to be considered when tailoring Alexium's technology to ensure it works without side effects etc. All of this takes time and resources and Alexium is still a small company with limited resources and we should give them the breathing space they need without harassing them as been fashionable at times on this forum.

    I have never had any doubts about Alexium, like most everybody else I get frustrated periodically at the SP and the market reaction, but overall last night should have cleared the air and hopefully will remove any basis for some unnecessarily acerbic commentary of recent times. I have had my dummy spit and will get back in the saddle going forward.
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