FLC 4.17% 7.5¢ fluence corporation limited

Ann: US Firm EAS Advisors Appointed as Nth American Corp Advisors, page-32

  1. 7,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 589
    Have been doing some thinking about EAS advisors and the biggest moving stock EAS (eddie sugar) have been involved in apart from FMG was I believe LNG.... Now dont even look at the current sp of lng but look at it in the months after Eddie became involved (may 2014).....

    My theory behind LNG's explosive move in the months after sugar became involved correlates with Cheniere energys move from a couple of dollars to a high of over $80 over the space of roughly 4 years.... Cheniere energy was the leader and LNG was the follower.....

    Ok Cheneire had made many many people extremely wealthy and I have no doubt that caused the ripple effect with LNG..... (Cheniere energy had the bulk of its move in 2013, a year before lng started to run really hard)

    FMG was obviously not a follower as well, but did manage to make fortunes for other iron ore hopefuls in the 03-08 era....

    This brings me to EMC, I view EMC as the Leader in that EMC arent following anyone else that has made it big time in the same way as cheniere did....If EMC can reach their goals and ambitions, they will not only revolutionize an industry that has changed very little in over 50 years but they will also make the early shareholders stinking rich....remember management has probably one of the best track records for any ASX listed small cap stock around, giving management of other larger cap stocks a good run for there money also....

    Its not surprising that some of the biggest shareholders of emc are jewish....

    With trends there is always a leader and a follower.... (even the sir story is a great example....after that had great success everyone was looking for the next sir)

    I believe in a few short years time many people will be saying  XYZ stock will be the next EMC....

    Enjoy the ride....
    Last edited by prowiz: 18/02/16
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