PAB 0.00% 0.3¢ patrys limited

Ann: US grants fund PAT-DX1 and PAT-DX1-NP targeting brain tumors, page-31

  1. 7,363 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 960
    That presso was after PAB banked $6m plus, they did spruik it hard....

    Presso 28th Sept 2018

    At that date PAB's SP was 4.7c and was in the start of the dumping stage..

    Many people averaged up at that stage and on the way up to 7c too, after nearly 2 yrs the price from the spruiked up Ann's most fell for, the SP has dropped 70%.......YES 70%

    Its been an averaging down stock for a long time and being 70% lower from that date it has cost investors plenty to try and stay within distance just in case PAB goes for a run...

    For most this has to raise 150% to get to most peoples break even, so even with a bit of good news people will still be in the red.....

    They will be looking to raise around $15m or so for trials, even if they pump this 100% and then wack us with big dillution, the dillution will come when most are still in the red...

    The BoD could of done a lot more to keep this at a respectable price for loyal long termers, but when he asks for more (lots)money long term holders will be forgotten again..
    Last edited by mattyedw: 06/06/20
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