SP8 0.00% 0.8¢ streamplay studio limited

I’ve said it from the start I’m not on any side and I don’t try...

  1. 730 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 203
    I’ve said it from the start I’m not on any side and I don’t try to down ramp any stock but I’m an esports kind of guy I want it to thrive as much as it can possibly even be the biggest sport in the world one day but esh is signed a partnership with razer who have a fan base of “gamers” also partnerships across 4 esports team that have fans who are “gamers” so once esh starts hitting the revenue doors down that will be all set but em1 on the other hand is taking a whole different approach and relying on kids and lets keep in mind it’s not just kids it’s not like we don’t have kids on mogul arena but there game genre is primarly based in the kids section which I sadly can not see thriving I don’t think mobile games are the future unless there games like fortnite mobile or pub g mobile heck even call of duty mobile but em1 is not focused on them which is a massive downer for me and a lot of investors like I said they must make a few changes or else this partnership won’t shine like it’s meant too.
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