Ann: WAK - Three Year Offtake Agreement Signed, page-33

  1. 1,122 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 195
    Even though you edited your list, I took screen shots anyway and will add them all, verbatim, to my questions that I too have formulated. ( Even though some of mine intersect some of your current enquiries.
    This will hopefully evade any accidental miscommunication of your points.

    As my 'planning lady', in charge of my constant enquiries into a current sub-division of mine always says, "there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers", and I shall seriously consider all of my own questions in reference to future company directions, prior to the bombardment.

    Therefore, I will endeavour to garner as much information as possible, from whoever is forced to deal with me.

    I too have planned a trip to the Wickepin site as well, to see if I can see the progress of the current upgrade, management permission allowed.

    The only issue I will need to consider is will the company be both communicative and supportive of my visit to 'head office'...
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