CAI 0.00% 11.5¢ calidus resources limited

Yes, I've read it. I was addressing the issue of likelihood of a...

  1. MTV
    1,941 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 647
    Yes, I've read it. I was addressing the issue of likelihood of a CR in the near future.

    I did also say at least. We will see how it pans out over the next year or two. The new mill site extends their hub and spoke strategy, so there could be more announcements in that regard.

    First order of business though, has to be meeting or exceeding forecast production for the remainder of the current FY. After that, consolidation of financial position with ongoing profitable operations. I personally don't expect much action at Nullagine for a year at least, but if the PoG holds up, there will be a strong incentive to move sooner.

    All IMO.
    Last edited by MTV: 09/02/24
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