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Ann: WAV/RULE: ABB: ABB - Waivers from NZX Debt M

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    • Summary: WAV/RULE: ABB: ABB - Waivers from NZX Debt Market Listing Rules
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    15/04/2014 09:13
    REL: 0913 HRS ASB Bank Limited
    WAV/RULE: ABB: ABB - Waivers from NZX Debt Market Listing Rules
    NZX Regulation Decision
    ASB Bank Limited
    Application for waivers from NZX Debt Market Listing Rules 3.2.1(a), 5.2.3,
    7.12.2,10.3 and 10.4
    10 March 2014
    Application 1 - Waiver from NZX Debt Market Listing Rule 3.2.1(a)
    1. On the basis that the information provided by ASB Bank Limited ("ABB") is
    complete and accurate in all material respects, NZX Regulation ("NZXR")
    grants ABB a waiver from NZX Debt Market Listing Rule ("Rule") 3.2.1(a) so
    that the deed poll for the ABB Notes ("Deed Poll") is not required to provide
    that the appointment of a new trustee is to be approved by an extraordinary
    resolution of holders of ABB Notes.
    2. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This decision will not apply if that information is not, or
    ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    3. Rule 3.2.1(a) is set out in Appendix Two to this decision.
    4.In coming to the decision to grant the waiver set out in paragraph 1 above,
    NZXR has considered that:
    (a) Banks are exempt from the requirement to have trustees under the
    Securities Act 1978 in recognition of their alternative regulatory
    supervision structure.
    (b) Given that the general law recognises alternative regulatory structures
    for banks (including prudential supervision by the Reserve Bank) NZXR accepts
    that it is appropriate to grant a waiver from the requirements in Rule
    3.2.1(a), which would otherwise add an extra layer of supervision not
    envisioned by the general law.
    (c) NZXR has granted similar waivers in respect of debt issues by other
    registered banks.
    Application 2 - Waiver from NZX Debt Market Listing Rule 5.2.3
    5. ABB sought a waiver from Rule 5.2.3 due to the possibility that a partial
    exchange following a non-viability event could result in some of the holders
    of the ABB Notes ("Noteholders") holding less than the Minimum Holding. NZXR
    declines to grant ABB a waiver from Rule 5.2.3.
    6. Rule 5.2.3 is set out in Appendix Two to this decision.
    7. In coming to the decision to not to grant a waiver from Rule 5.2.3, NZXR
    has considered that:
    (a) NZXR requires full and complete information in order to grant a waiver
    from the Rules. Due to the circumstances in this case, including the
    uncertainty as to if and when a non-viability event could occur, there is not
    sufficient information available at this time for NZXR to determine whether a
    waiver is appropriate or the conditions on which any waiver should be
    (b) It is NZXR's general policy not to grant a waiver from Rule 5.2.3 for a
    period of longer than 12 months.
    Application 3 - Waiver from NZX Debt Market Listing Rule 7.12.2 in Respect of
    Routine Payments of Interest
    8. Subject to the conditions in paragraph 9 below, and on the basis that the
    information provided by ABB is complete and accurate in all material
    respects, NZXR grants ABB a waiver from Rule 7.12.2 in respect of routine
    payments of interest on the ABB Notes.
    9. The waiver contained in paragraph 8 is granted on the following
    (a) The timing of, and record date for, the routine payments of interest are
    disclosed in the investment statement;
    (b) The process for determining the interest rate and the date on which the
    interest rate will be announced via NZX are disclosed in the investment
    (c) The interest rate will be announced via NZX on or before the date the ABB
    Notes are issued; and
    (d) The waiver, its conditions and its implications are disclosed in the
    investment statement.
    10. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This decision will not apply if that information is
    not, or ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    11. Rule 7.12.2 is set out in Appendix Two to this decision.
    12. In coming to the decision to grant the waiver set out in paragraph 8
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    (a) Due to the requirement for the ABB Notes to be exchanged for ordinary
    shares in CBA on the occurrence of a non-viability event, the ABB Notes
    constitute Convertible Debt Securities and the exception in Rule 7.12.4 does
    not apply.
    (b) Although the ABB Notes are technically Convertible Debt Securities, they
    will have features typical of subordinated debt securities while they are
    quoted on the NZX Debt Market.
    (c) The interest payments to be made on the ABB Notes are routine payments
    (subject to the solvency conditions). The conditions set out in paragraph 2
    will ensure that holders of ABB Notes have certainty as to the amounts and
    timing of interest payments.
    (d) ABB will be subject to Rule 7.12.6 and will be required to notify NZX in
    the event interest is not paid on the due date.
    Application 4 - Waiver from NZX Debt Market Listing Rule 7.12.2 in the Event
    of Exchange due to Non-Viability Event
    13. Subject to the conditions in paragraph 14 below, and on the basis that
    the information provided by ABB is complete and accurate in all material
    respects, NZXR grants ABB a waiver from Rule 7.12.2 so that, if an exchange
    of the ABB Notes occurs on account of a non-viability event ABB is not
    required to give notice in accordance with Rule 7.12.2 in relation to the
    14. The waiver contained in paragraph 13 is granted on the following
    (a) The notice required by Rule 7.12.2 must be given as soon as practicable
    and in any event before the NZX Debt Market opens for trading on the Business
    Day after exchange occurs;
    (b) The information required by Rule 7.12.2 which is known at the date of the
    investment is disclosed in the investment statement; and
    (c) The waiver, its conditions and its implications are disclosed in the
    investment statement.
    15. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This decision will not apply if that information is
    not, or ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    16. Rule 7.12.2 is set out in Appendix Two to this decision.
    17. In coming to the decision to grant the waiver set out in paragraph 13
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    (a) ABB has submitted, and NZXR has no reason not to accept, that if exchange
    is required on account of a non-viability event, it will be unable to provide
    10 Business Days' notice as required by Rule 7.12.2 as the RBNZ and APRA
    standards require exchange to occur immediately.
    (b) ABB will be required, as a condition of this waiver, to disclose in the
    investment statement the implications of this waiver and NZXR is satisfied
    that this will inform the Noteholders that on the occurrence of a
    non-viability event, the market will not be given advance notice.
    (c) The condition in paragraph 14(b) will ensure that Noteholders will have
    notice of all information about the exchange that is known at the date of the
    investment statement and the condition in paragraph 14(a) will ensure that
    all other information that is required to be disclosed under Rule 7.12.2 is
    disclosed as soon as practicable.
    (d) If non-viability event occurs, ABB will be required, by virtue of the
    terms of the Deed Poll, to give notice as soon as practicable that exchange
    has occurred to the registrar, NZX and the Noteholders.
    Application 5 - Waiver from NZX Debt Market Listing Rules 10.3 and 10.4
    18. Subject to the conditions in paragraph 19 below, and on the basis that
    the information provided by ABB is complete and accurate in all material
    respects, NZXR grants ABB a waiver from Rules 10.3 and 10.4.
    19. The waiver contained in paragraph 18 is granted on the following
    (a) ABB's most recent disclosure statement (and any supplementary disclosure
    statement) is available on ABB's website and by contacting ABB's registered
    office; and
    (b) A copy of ABB's most recent disclosure statement (and any supplementary
    disclosure statement) is sent to NZX by way of the market announcement
    platform on an ongoing basis no later than it is made publicly available
    20. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This decision will not apply if that information is
    not, or ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    21. Rules 10.3 and 10.4 are set out in Appendix Two to this decision.
    22. In coming to the decision to grant the waiver set out in paragraph 18
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    (a) NZXR recognises the level of regulation that ABB is already subject to as
    a registered bank including the requirement to prepare a disclosure statement
    quarterly in accordance with the Registered Bank Disclosure Statement (Full
    and Half-Year - New Zealand Incorporated Registered Banks) Order (No 3) 2013.
    (b) NZXR is satisfied with the level of disclosure in the disclosure
    statements and the conditions of the waiver ensure that the latest disclosure
    statement will be easily accessible to investors.
    (c) ABB is still subject to continuous disclosure under Rule 10.1, which
    requires ABB to disclose any Material Information.
    (d) There is precedent for this decision.
    23. ABB has requested this decision be kept confidential until ABB has made
    an announcement of the offer of the ABB Notes.
    24. In accordance with Footnote 1 to Rule 1.11.2, NZXR grants ABB's request.
    Appendix One
    1. ASB Bank Limited ("ABB") intends to offer $300 million of subordinated
    notes ("ABB Notes") with the ability to accept oversubscriptions up to $100
    million, to be quoted on the NZX Debt Market.
    2. The ABB Notes will be classified as debt in the financial statements of
    ABB, and will be treated as Tier 2 capital for both ABB under the Reserve
    Bank of New Zealand's ("RBNZ") standards and Commonwealth Bank of Australia
    ("CBA") under Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's ("APRA")
    3. To qualify as a Tier 2 capital, an instrument must fulfill certain
    criteria, including to provide an unrestricted commitment of funds and be
    available to absorb losses in a winding up. The terms of ABB Notes must meet
    this criteria, in particular:
    (a) Subordination: The ABB Notes are subordinated to depositors and general
    creditors of ABB;
    (b) Term: The ABB Notes have a fixed term of 10 years. ABB may also redeem
    the ABB Notes on the Call Option Date (5 years after issuance) or on any
    Interest Payment Date after the Call Option Date, or if a specified tax or
    regulatory event occurs. Redemption prior to maturity is subject to certain
    conditions being satisfied, including obtaining the consent of the RBNZ and
    (c) Non-payment of Interest: Interest is scheduled to be paid quarterly in
    arrear on each Interest Payment Date (subject to the condition that ABB
    remains solvent and the ABB group is solvent after payment); and
    (d) Loss absorption: The ABB Notes are required to be exchanged for ordinary
    shares in CBA if a non-viability event occurs in respect of either ABB or
    CBA. The point of non-viability is determined by either the RBNZ (in the case
    of ABB) or APRA (in the case of CBA). Loss absorption occurs as follows:
    (i) if ABB is required to exchange ABB Notes because a non-viability event
    has occurred:
    a. each ABB Note that is exchanged will be transferred by the relevant holder
    to ASB Holdings Limited (ABB's immediate holding company); and
    b. CBA will issue the relevant holder a number of ordinary shares in CBA,
    determined in accordance with a formula set out in the terms set out in the
    deed poll.
    (ii) As a consequence of exchange, the Noteholders will cease to hold ABB
    Notes, and instead they will hold ordinary shares in CBA. If for any reason
    the ABB Notes are not able to be exchanged for ordinary shares in CBA when
    required, the ABB Notes will be written off.
    4. As a registered bank, ABB is subject to the prudential supervision of the
    RBNZ. Among other requirements, ABB must publish quarterly disclosure
    statements which contain financial information about the bank.
    5. ABB expects that the ABB Notes will meet the spread requirement in Rule
    5.2.3 at Quotation.
    Appendix Two
    Rule 3.2 Trust Deeds for Debt Securities
    3.2.1 Every Trust Deed governing Debt Securities shall provide that:
    (a)the appointment of a new trustee is to be approved by an extraordinary
    resolution of the holders of the Securities to which the Trust Deed relates;
    Rule 5.2.3 Quotation of Securities
    5.2.3 A Class of Securities will generally not be considered for Quotation on
    the NZSX or NZDX unless those Securities are held by at least 500 Members of
    the Public holding at least 25% of the number of Securities of that Class
    issued, with each Member of the Public holding at least a Minimum Holding,
    and those requirements are maintained, or NZX is otherwise satisfied that the
    Issuer will maintain a spread of Security holders which is sufficient to
    ensure that there is a sufficiently liquid market in the Class of Securities.
    Rule 7.12 Announcements
    7.12.2 Where any benefit is to be paid or distributed on Quoted Securities
    (including dividends, interest or bonus issues) or any Conversion of
    Securities or call on Securities is to take place, the Issuer shall give to
    NZX, forthwith after any Director's recommendation and at least 10 Business
    Days before the Record Date to determine entitlements or obligations, full
    details of the benefit, Conversion or call, including the information in the
    table below. That information shall be supplied in the form set out in
    Appendix 7.
    Rule 10.3 Preliminary Announcements
    10.3.1 Each Issuer shall make an announcement pursuant to Rule 10.3.2 through
    NZX for public release, in the manner prescribed by Rule 10.2 as soon as the
    Material Information is available, and in any event;
    (a) before the release of each annual report, and not later than 60 days
    after the end of the financial year to which that report relates; and
    (b) before the release of each half-year report and not later than 60 days
    after the end of the financial half-year to which that report relates.
    10.3.2 Each preliminary announcement, whether for a full year or a half year,
    shall include the information and otherwise address the matters specified by
    the relevant section of Appendix 1.
    Rule 10.4 Annual and Half-Year Reports
    10.4.1 Subject to Rule 10.4.3 each Issuer shall within three months of the
    end of each Issuer's financial years:
    (a) Deliver to NZX electronically, in the format specified by NZX from time
    to time; and
    (b) Make available to each Quoted Security holder in accordance with Rule
    an annual report. That annual report shall be delivered to NZX before or at
    the same time as it is made available to Quoted Security holders in
    accordance with Rule 10.4.4, and shall contain all information:
    (c) required by law;
    (d) required in a preliminary announcement by Rule 10.3.2; and
    (e) required by Rule 10.4.4, Rule 10.4.5 and Rule 10.4.7.
    The financial statements in that annual report shall be audited and shall be
    accompanied by an audit report in accordance with the requirements of the
    Financial Reporting Act 1993.
    10.4.2 Each Issuer shall within three months after the end of the first six
    months of each financial year of the Issuer:
    (a) deliver to NZX electronically, in the format specified by NZX from time
    to time; and
    (b) make available to each Quoted Security holder in accordance with Rule
    a half-year report. That half-year report shall be delivered to NZX before,
    or at the same time as, it is made available to Quoted Security Holders in
    accordance with Rule 10.4.4. That half-year report shall include the
    information and otherwise address the matters prescribed by the relevant
    section of Appendix 1.
    10.4.3 An Issuer that is a State enterprise (as defined in the State-Owned
    Enterprises Act 1986) is not required to issue to its Quoted Security holders
    an annual report (in accordance with Rule 10.4.1) or a half-year report (in
    accordance with Rule 10.4.2) until that annual report or half-year report has
    been provided to the Minister responsible for the State enterprise in
    accordance with the requirements of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986 and
    laid by that Minister responsible for that State enterprise before the House
    of Representatives in accordance with the State Owned Enterprises Act 1986 or
    published in the Gazette under section 17(2A) of the State-Owned Enterprises
    Act 1986, whichever is the earlier.
    10.4.4 An Issuer shall make an annual or half-year report available to Quoted
    Security holders as required by Rule 10.4.1 orRule 10.4.2, by sending to
    Quoted Security holders either:
    (a)A copy of the annual report or half-year report (as the case may be); or
    (b)A notice containing the statements referred to in section 209(3) of the
    Companies Act 1993 and complying with sections 209A and 209B of the Companies
    Act 1993.
    Provided that for the purposes of Rule 10.4.4 and Rule 10.4.6, sections 209
    to 209B of the Companies Act 1993 shall be deemed modified so that:
    (c)references in that section to "shareholders" shall be deemed to be
    references to members of the relevant Class of Quoted Security holders of
    that Issuer; and
    (d)in respect of an Issuer which is not a company, references to "company"
    shall be deemed to be references to the Issuer; and
    (e)in respect of a Managed Fund, references to "board of a company" shall be
    deemed to be references to the Manager; and
    (f)references to "annual report" shall (for the purposes of compliance with
    Rule 10.4.2) be deemed to be a reference to a half-year report; and
    (g)section 209(3)(d) shall not apply to the half-year report; and
    (h)references to "annual report" shall be deemed to be references to an
    annual report as required by Rule 10.4.1.
    Provided also that an Issuer will be deemed to have made any half-year report
    available to Quoted Security holders if that Issuer's most recent annual
    notification under Rule 10.4.4(b) explicitly stated that it applied to the
    next half-year report under the Rules. Where a half-year report is deemed to
    have been made available in this way, a Quoted Security holder's election in
    respect of receipt of the relevant annual report, if any, shall apply in
    connection with that half-year report, except that an election to receive a
    concise annual report must be treated to include an election to receive the
    relevant half-year report.
    10.4.5 The annual report of an Issuer shall contain:
    (a)the information required to be published by Sub part 3 of Part 2 of the
    Securities Markets Act 1988 and, in the case of a company registered under
    the Companies Act 1993, the information required by section 211 of that Act;
    (b)the names and holdings of Equity Securities of the holders having the 20
    largest holdings of Quoted Equity Securities on the register of the Issuer as
    at a date not earlier than 2 months before the date of the publication of the
    annual report; and
    (c)the Equity Securities, and Securities that may Convert to Equity
    Securities, in which each Director has a Relevant Interest at the balance
    date of the current financial year; and
    (d)details of the spread of Quoted Security holders at a date not earlier
    than 2 months before the date of the publication of the annual report; and
    (e)the current credit rating status (if any) of the Issuer; and
    (f)a summary of all waivers:
    (i)granted and published by NZX in the 12 month period preceding the balance
    date of the Issuer (or a reference to where a summary of waivers are
    published on the Issuer's website, which summary must be available until
    publication of the next annual report); and
    (ii)relied upon by the Issuer.
    (g)details of any exercise of NZX's powers set out in Rule 5.4.2 where the
    exercise is already public knowledge; and
    (h)a statement of any corporate governance policies, practices and processes,
    adopted or followed by the Issuer; and
    (i)a statement on whether and, if so, how the corporate governance principles
    adopted or followed by the Issuer materially differ from the Corporate
    Governance Best Practice Code or a clear reference to where such statement
    may be found on the Issuer's public website; and
    (j)a quantitative breakdown, as to the gender composition of the Issuer's
    Directors and Officers as at the Issuer's balance date and including
    comparative figures for the prior balance date of the Issuer. Comparative
    figures are not required to be provided in respect of balance dates falling
    in periods before the effective date of this Rule; and
    (k)a statement from the Board of the Issuer providing its evaluation of the
    Issuer's performance with respect to its diversity policy (if applicable);
    (l)a statement as to which of its Directors are Independent Directors and
    which of its Directors are not Independent Directors, as at the balance date
    of the Issuer; and
    (m)details of any Director who has been appointed pursuant to provisions of
    the Constitution complying with Rule 3.3.8, and the Security holder which
    appointed that Director.
    10.4.6 Where a concise annual report is prepared in relation to the same
    accounting period as an annual report, that report shall contain:
    (a)The disclosures required by section 209(5) of the Companies Act 1993
    (modified in the manner set out in Rule 10.4.4; and
    (b)The information required by Rule 10.4.5(e), Rule 10.4.5(f) and 10.4.5(g).
    10.4.7 Any Issuer which extends its half-year reporting period or changes its
    annual balance date to a later date shall make a report containing such
    information, and to be released at such time, as NZX shall require in respect
    of the existing half-year reporting period or the period ending on the
    existing balance date.
    10.4.8 Each Issuer shall supply to any Advisor or Trading Participant who so
    requests, free of charge, a copy of any document referred to in Rule 10.3 or
    Rule 10.4.
    End CA:00249481 For:ABB    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2014-04-15 09:13:29
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