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Ann: WAV/RULE: ALF: ALF - Application for a Waive

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    • Summary: WAV/RULE: ALF: ALF - Application for a Waiver from NZSX Listing Rule 9.2.1
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    23/08/2013 12:14
    REL: 1214 HRS Allied Farmers Limited
    WAV/RULE: ALF: ALF - Application for a Waiver from NZSX Listing Rule 9.2.1
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Allied Farmers Limited (ALF)
    Application for waiver from Listing Rule
    22 August 2013
    1. Allied Farmers Limited ("ALF") is a Listed Issuer with ordinary shares
    quoted on the NZX Main Board.
    2. ALF has operated a bobby calf business since 2001 which involves the
    purchase of bobby calves from farmers, contracted processing, and on-sale of
    products. Following a re-structure, the bobby calf business is now operated
    by ALF's partly-owned subsidiary, NZ Farmers Livestock Limited ("NZFL"). NZFL
    operates the business through its subsidiary Farmers Meat Export Limited
    3. To assist with funding the bobby calf business for the 2013 and 2014
    seasons, FMEL is seeking to enter into a working-capital facility for not
    more than $1.5 million per annum with Garry Bluett and another funder who is
    not a Related Party (as joint lenders) (the "Loan"). Mr Bluett's proportion
    of the joint lending will be 15 per cent or less. The purpose of the Loan is
    to fund the working capital of FMEL, which is required to purchase inventory
    (being bobby calves) and cover costs related to such inventory.
    4. The Loan will include the following principal terms:
    (a) Security by way of a charge over the product inventories. No other
    security or guarantees will be provided by ALF or any other company in the
    ALF group;
    (b) The funders may advance funding of up to an additional $1.5 million for
    the 2014 season provided that the 2013 season funding plus interest and costs
    have been fully repaid (the intention being that the liability to the funders
    will not at any one time exceed $1.5 million plus interest and costs);
    (c) Interest of 10.9% per annum, payable monthly in arrears;
    (d) Default interest of 17% per annum;
    (e) Loan funds advanced for the 2013 season will be repayable by 31 December
    2013; and
    (f) Loan funds advanced for the 2014 season will be repayable by 31 December
    5. Garry Bluett is a director of ALF, and is, therefore, a Related Party of
    ALF pursuant to NZSX Listing Rule ("Rule") 9.2.3(a).
    6. Rule 1.6.6 extends the definition of Issuer to include, as the context
    permits, all members of any group of companies of which the Issuer is the
    holding company or otherwise has a controlling interest. FMEL is a subsidiary
    of ALF as it is 100% owned by NZFL, which is 67.73% owned by Allied Farmers
    Rural Limited ("AFRL"). AFRL is 100% owned by ALF. Accordingly, entry into
    the Loan by its subsidiary, FMEL, will constitute entry into a transaction by
    ALF for the purposes of Rule 9.2.1.
    7. As at 30 July 2013, ALF's Average Market Capitalisation ("AMC") over the
    previous 20 Business Days was approximately $1.6 million. As the value of the
    Loan may be up to $1.5 million at any one time, this would exceed 10% of
    ALF's AMC, which is likely to be approximately $160,000. Therefore, it is
    expected that the Loan, when entered into, will constitute a Material
    Transaction with a Related Party for the purpose of Rule 9.2.1(a).
    8. ALF has applied to NZX Regulation ("NZXR") for a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 to
    enable FMEL to enter into the Loan without the prior approval of ALF's
    9. In support of its application ALF made the following submissions:
    (a) The purpose of Rule 9.2.1 is to ensure that a Related Party does not
    exercise undue influence, or use its personal connections, to reach a
    favourable outcome, or a transfer of value, to a Related Party, in respect of
    a transaction, and that shareholders are given an opportunity to review
    transactions where the Board of Directors of a listed company may have been
    subject to an actual or perceived influence from a Related Party.
    (b) In situations where NZXR is satisfied that the Related Party did not
    materially influence the decision to enter into the relevant transaction, and
    there is evidence that the transaction is arm's length, and in the best
    interests of the company, NZXR may waive the requirement to obtain
    shareholder approval. This approach is reflected in the following NZX waiver
    decisions, each of which concerned the provision of finance by a Related
    (i) NZ Windfarms Limited dated 20 November 2009;
    (ii) Eastern Hi Fi Group Limited dated 25 June 2009;
    (iii) Broadway Industries Limited dated 12 September 2008; and
    (iv) Allied Farmers Limited dated 24 July 2012.
    (c) The provision of the Loan to FMEL is being made on arms length,
    commercial terms, the benefits of which are demonstrably materially
    beneficial to ALF. The bobby calf business is a significant contributor to
    the profits of FMEL and NZFL, which, via distributions from NZFL to ALF, make
    up almost the sole source of revenue for ALF. Without the Loan, the bobby
    calf business would be unable to operate for the 2013- 14 seasons, and the
    revenues of ALF would materially deteriorate, meaning that one of the
    assumptions underlying ALF's going concern would no longer be valid. A likely
    outcome of that would be the insolvency of ALF, resulting in a catastrophic
    loss in value for ALF's shareholders.
    (d) The joint lender with Mr Bluett is not a Related Party of ALF. The joint
    lender is not a relative of Mr Bluett nor is the joint lender a business
    associate of Mr Bluetts' other than in relation to the Loan and previous
    years' loans to FMEL. The fact that the joint lender is unrelated and is
    contributing 85 per cent or more of the Loan underscores the rationale for
    the Loan terms being agreed on an arms length and commercial basis.
    (e) The costs associated with seeking shareholder approval for the Loan would
    far outweigh the benefits in the context of ALF's very low AMC.
    (f) The funding which would be made available by the Loan is urgently
    required for FMEL's operation of the 2013 bobby calf business as the 2013
    bobby calf season has already started.
    (g) ALF's working capital is fully committed to existing and forecast
    obligations, and therefore ALF does not have sufficient spare funds available
    to fund the costs of the required independent appraisal report and
    shareholders' meeting.
    (h) Theoretically the last opportunity that ALF had to seek shareholder
    approval for the Loan without having to incur the significant cost of a
    shareholders' meeting to specifically consider this matter would have been
    the Annual Meeting held in November 2012. However, AFL submits that it would
    have been impossible to seek consent at that time to the Loan because:
    (i) Based on the information that ALF had at the time, a related party loan
    similar to the 2012 season loan was not the likely or preferred funding
    option that ALF contemplated would be secured for the 2013 season. However,
    due to the 2013 drought impacting on FMEL earnings, the resultant need for
    funding levels much higher than expected, coupled with a delay for NZFL in
    obtaining ownership of key saleyard interests leading to lower capital and
    assets available for security, meant that the preferred option of trading
    bank funding has not been available. The seeking of a Loan from a related
    party, whilst acknowledged as having occurred in both the 2011 and 2012
    seasons, is unusual and has very much been a last resort. As mentioned above,
    ALF expected that NZFL and/or FMEL would be able to source funding from a
    typical third party such as a trading bank given the successful track record
    that was established in 2011 and 2012. However, it has transpired that
    typical lenders have maintained the view that although it is possible for
    lending to FMEL to be secured against insured bobby calf/veal products, to
    some degree the security available remains unattractive to third party
    lenders due to the fact that most of the product is exported to numerous
    overseas markets and there is significant volatility in returns on the
    product. This also reflects the overall risk profile of the business. An
    approach to the NZFL banker has confirmed this view;
    (ii) Even if ALF had speculated in 2012 that it may require further funding
    for the 2013 season from the same related party, it had no way of knowing
    what the terms of that funding might be, and therefore it would not have been
    possible to seek an independent appraisal as to whether those terms were
    fair. This is illustrated by the fact that the key terms are materially
    different than for the 2012 season - level of funding, number of tranches
    available over two seasons, interest rate, and relative contribution by joint
    funders are all different. It would not be reasonable for ALF to incur the
    significant costs of an independent appraiser on the off chance that a)
    NZFL/FMEL would require funding from a third party, and b) those terms would
    be the same as for the loan for the 2012 year. If the Board of ALF had done
    so, and it transpired that the approval was not required, or the terms were
    materially different, it would have been rightly accused of having wasted
    company money; and
    (iii) There was no indication in 2012 from the funders that they would be
    prepared to provide funding for the 2013 season, and again it would be
    unreasonable to require ALF to incur those significant costs when the funders
    were not even prepared in the period leading up to the 2012 Annual Meeting to
    provide any indication as to whether their funding would be available for the
    2013 season. If at that time the funders were certain that they would provide
    the loan funding, and NZFL/FMEL were certain they would take it, then the
    commercial response from the parties would have been to enter into a
    multi-year funding facility, and a waiver or shareholder approval sought at
    that time for that facility. The fact that was not the case evidences the
    intention of the parties that the funding would be limited to the 2012
    (i)  NZFL and FMEL have during the last 18 months engaged in discussions with
    potential third party funding providers and banks regarding the provision of
    working capital facilities to FMEL and other investment options. It became
    clear at the end of July that third party or bank funding would not be
    provided. ALF does not currently consider that such banking facilities
    represent a realistic funding alternative for the following reasons:
    (i) FMEL has approached a significant number of New Zealand banks seeking
    banking support but without success;
    (ii) It is noted that in recent times, developing a capability and banking
    relationship supportive of the funding of a high priority impending sale yard
    investment by NZFL has determined primary focus in this area.
    (j) The terms of the Loan and FMEL's decisions to enter into the Loan have
    been commercially negotiated by ALF's and FMEL's management (excluding Garry
    Bluett), on commercial and arms' length terms. Garry Bluett has not been
    involved in negotiating the Loan on ALF/NZFL/FMEL's behalf and he has not
    been afforded any favourable treatment because of his status as a Director of
    FMEL's parent companies.
    (k) The terms of the Loan are substantially similar to (or no more onerous
    than) terms offered by other third party debt providers. The interest rate
    under the Loan is 10.9%, which is referable to rates currently charged to ALF
    by its primary lenders.
    (l) A loan facility with a maximum value of $1.2 million and on substantially
    similar terms as the Loan was provided by Garry Bluett jointly with the same
    unrelated party in relation to the bobby calf business for the 2012 season.
    The first drawing on last year's loan was made in August 2012 and the loan
    was fully repaid in February 2013. NZXR granted a waiver in relation to the
    funding for the 2012 season.
    (m) It is appropriate that this waiver should be granted on the condition
    that all of the Directors of ALF (except Garry Bluett) provide certification,
    in a form acceptable to NZX Regulation, that:
    (i) Garry Bluett took no part in the negotiation of the Loan on behalf of ALF
    or FMEL;
    (ii)  they consider that the terms and conditions of the Loan were negotiated
    on a commercial and arms' length basis, and reflect standard terms for such
    (iii) they consider that the Loan was entered into at not more than a market
    price, and is in the best interests of shareholders of ALF; and
    (iv) in entering into the Loan, neither ALF nor FMEL was influenced in its
    decision by the Related Party nexus between ALF, FMEL and Garry Bluett.
    10. Rule 9.2.1 provides that:
    "An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related Party is,
    or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; or
    (b)  in the case of a guarantee or other transaction of the nature referred
    to in paragraph (d) of the definition of Material Transaction, a direct or
    indirect beneficiary of such guarantee or other transaction,
    unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    11. Rule 9.2.2 provides that:
    "For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a transaction
    or a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (c) borrows, lends, pays, or receives, money, or incurs an obligation, of an
    amount in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer;
    12. Rule 9.2.3 provides that:
    "For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is at the
    time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months before a
    Material Transaction:
    (a) a Director or executive officer of the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries;
    13. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR grants ALF a waiver from Rule 9.2.1, so that
    FMEL may enter into the Loan without the prior approval of ALF's
    14. The waiver in paragraph 13 is granted on the following conditions:
    (a) the Directors of ALF (excluding Garry Bluett) certify, at the time the
    Loan is entered into, in a form acceptable to NZXR, that:
    (i) Garry Bluett took no part in the negotiation of the Loan on behalf of ALF
    or FMEL;
    (ii) the terms and conditions of the Loan were negotiated on a commercial and
    arms' length basis, and reflect standard terms for such agreements;
    (iii) the Loan was entered into at not more than a market price, and is in
    the best interests of shareholders of ALF; and
    (iv) neither ALF nor FMEL was influenced in its decision to enter into the
    Loan by the relationship between ALF, FMEL and Garry Bluett; and
    (b) ALF obtains approval from its shareholders for the drawdown by FMEL of
    funds under the Loan for the 2014 season in accordance with Rule 9.2.1 before
    FMEL makes any drawdowns under the Loan for the 2014 season.
    15. In coming to this decision, NZXR has considered the following matters: ?
    (a) The policy behind Rule 9.2.1 is to prevent transactions where there is
    undue influence by a Related Party on an Issuer's decision to undertake a
    transaction favourable to that Related Party;
    (b) The terms of the Loan are substantially similar to (and no more onerous
    than) the terms of arrangements between ALF and NZFL and third party debt
    (c) The 2013 season funding is urgently required for FMEL's operation of the
    2013 bobby calf business, as the 2013 bobby calf season has already started.
    The bobby calf business is a significant contributor to the profits of FMEL
    and NZFL, and make up almost the sole source of revenue for ALF. Without the
    Loan, the bobby calf business would be unable to operate for the 2013-14
    seasons, which could result in ALF becoming insolvent, which would not be in
    the best interests of shareholders;
    (d) NZXR expects Issuers to, where possible, seek approval from shareholders
    for transactions that require approval under Rule 9.2.1, particularly where
    the transaction occurs on a routine or seasonal basis. NZXR is disappointed
    that ALF did not plan ahead to ensure that shareholder approval to the Loan
    could have been obtained. However, NZXR acknowledges the difficulties set out
    in paragraph 9(h) that ALF faced in planning to obtain shareholder approval
    for the 2013 season funding. On balance NZXR considers that the benefits of
    calling a shareholders' meeting to consider entry into the Loan are
    outweighed by the adverse effects on the financial position of the ALF group
    that are likely to eventuate if FMEL's receipt of the funding is delayed;
    (e) The condition in paragraph 14(b) requires ALF to obtain shareholder
    approval for the drawdown by FMEL of funds under the Loan for the 2014 season
    before FMEL makes any drawdowns under the Loan for the 2014 season, which
    will ensure that ALF shareholders have an opportunity to consider and approve
    the funding arrangements for 2014;
    (f) The certifications provided by ALF's Directors (excluding Garry Bluett)
    provide shareholders with comfort that the Loan is on commercial and arms'
    length terms, is in the best interests of ALF and its shareholders, and was
    not influenced by Garry Bluett; and
    (g) There is precedent for this decision.
    16. ALF requests that this application and any decision are kept confidential
    until the Loan has been finalised and, if required, announced to the market.
    17. In accordance with Footnote 1 to Rule 1.11.2, NZXR grants ALF's request.
    End CA:00240126 For:ALF    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2013-08-23 12:14:48
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