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Ann: WAV/RULE: EBO: EBO: Waiver from LR 7.10.5, 9

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    • Release Date: 29/05/13 10:32
    • Summary: WAV/RULE: EBO: EBO: Waiver from LR 7.10.5, 9.2.1 and 7.12.2
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    29/05/2013 08:32
    REL: 0832 HRS Ebos Group Limited
    WAV/RULE: EBO: EBO: Waiver from LR 7.10.5, 9.2.1 and 7.12.2
    1. EBOS Group Limited ("EBO") is an Issuer with ordinary shares listed on the
    NZX Main Board. EBO distributes medical and surgical products,
    pharmaceuticals and animal healthcare supplies throughout New Zealand,
    Australia and the Pacific Islands. EBO proposes to purchase Zuellig
    Healthcare Holdings Australia Pty Limited ("Symbion") from Symbion Holdings
    Pte Limited ("the Vendor"). Symbion is a privately owned company based in
    Australia involved in the supply of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to
    hospitals in Australia, as well as the distribution of veterinary supplies.
    2. EBO and the Vendor have reached a purchase price for Symbion of $865
    million ("Purchase Price"). EBO will satisfy the Purchase Price through the
    issue of fully paid ordinary shares in EBO to the Vendor worth approximately
    $498 million ("Consideration Shares") and a cash payment of approximately
    $367 million ("Consideration Cash"). The issue of the Consideration Shares
    will result in the Vendor and associates holding 40% of the total shares on
    issue in EBO (together "the Transaction").
    3. EBO is to fund the Consideration Cash by:
    (a) Completing an underwritten placement of EBO ordinary shares worth
    approximately $90 million to new and existing institutional investors (the
    (b) Undertaking an underwritten, 7 for 20 pro-rata renounceable rights offer
    worth approximately $149 million (the "Entitlement Offer"); and
    (c) Additional debt facilities of approximately $140 million.
    4. EBO wishes to offer EBO shareholders who accept their Entitlement Offer
    entitlement in full the option to apply for additional rights not taken up by
    other shareholders by way of an oversubscription facility. This option will
    be to the extent of any shortfall in acceptance of the Entitlement Offer
    ("Oversubscription Facility").
    5. UBS New Zealand Limited and Forsyth Barr Group Limited (the
    "Underwriters") are to act as underwriters for the Placement and Entitlement
    6. EBO shareholders are scheduled to approve the Transaction during a Special
    Meeting to be held on 14 June 2013. If the Transaction is approved, EBO will
    be the continuing entity and will continue as a Listed Issuer on the NZX Main
    7. EBO intends the Placement bookbuild to occur on 29 May 2013 with allotment
    of the Placement on 7 June 2013, before shareholders consider the
    Transaction. EBO advises if EBO shareholders do not approve the Transaction,
    EBO will apply the money raised in the Placement to transaction costs,
    repayment of debt and general corporate purposes.
    8. The Transaction is a Material Transaction under NZX Main Board Listing
    Rule ("Rule") 9.2.1 as the Transaction is a purchase of assets that have an
    Aggregate Net Value in excess of 10% of EBO's Average Market Capitalisation,
    currently around $518 million.
    9. Rule 9.2.1 requires that an Issuer shall not enter into a Material
    Transaction if a Related Party is a party to at least one of a related series
    of transactions which form part of the Material Transaction unless the
    transaction associated to the Related Party is approved by an Ordinary
    Resolution of the Issuer.  As the Placement and Entitlement Offer form part
    of the Transaction, each is considered part of a related series of
    10. Two companies that are Related Parties of EBO wish to participate in the
    Placement and act as sub-underwriters to the Entitlement Offer. Whyte Adder
    No 3 Limited and Herpa Properties Limited (the "Related Companies") are both
    a Related Party under Rule 9.2.3(a) as two directors of the Related
    Companies, Mr Peter Kraus and Mr Barry Wallace, are both directors of EBO.
    Together the Related Companies hold 8.43% of EBO's shares on issue. The
    Placement and sub-underwriting form part of the related series of
    transactions of the Material Transaction, being the Transaction.
    11. Prior to the Placement, Entitlement Offer and issue of Consideration
    Shares, EBO is to undertake a bonus issue of EBO shares ("Bonus Issue") to
    allocate imputation credits to EBO shareholders. The Bonus Issue will result
    in EBO shareholders receiving two new EBO shares for every 53 EBO shares held
    at the Bonus Issue Record Date of 6 June 2013.
    12. EBO has approached NZX Regulation ("NZXR") for a waiver from Rules 7.10.5
    and 9.2.1 in respect of the Transaction and a waiver from Rule 7.12.2 in
    respect of the Bonus Issue.
    Application One - Rule 7.10.5
    13. EBO has approached NZXR seeking a waiver from the requirements in Rule
    7.10.5, so that the Entitlement Offer may include the Oversubscription
    14. In support of its application for a waiver from Rule 7.10.5, EBO submits
    (a) The provision of an oversubscription facility is seen by the directors of
    EBO as "good governance", as it enables existing shareholders to increase
    their investment in EBO in a cost effective manner.
    (b) Rule 7.5 will continue to apply.  The directors of EBO do not perceive
    any risk of any participant in the Entitlement Offer materially increasing
    its ability to exercise control over EBO by way of participating in the
    oversubscription facility.
    (c) There is well-established precedent for this decision.  Similar waivers
    have been granted to Pike River Coal on 14 January 2007, Life Pharmacy
    Limited on 20 August 2008, Metlifecare Limited on 24 February 2009, Skellerup
    Holdings Limited on 2 September 2009 and Kiwi Income Property Trust on 10
    November 2009.
    Rule - 7.10.5
    15. Rule 7.10.5 provides:
    Renounceable Rights shall not entitle the holder of the Right to apply for
    more than the entitlement of Securities except to enable acquisition of the
    number of Securities needed to give that holder a Minimum Holding.
    Decision One - Rule 7.10.5
    16. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR grants EBO a waiver from Rule 7.10.5 to enable
    EBO to offer the Oversubscription Facility in relation to the Entitlement
    Offer subject to the following conditions:
    (a) To the extent available, and pro rated to the extent not, allocations
    under the Oversubscription Facility are made to any shareholder participating
    in the Oversubscription Facility who would otherwise hold less than a Minimum
    Holding after the Entitlement Offer to the extent to allow them to hold a
    Minimum Holding; and
    (b) In respect of any remaining rights, in the event that demand for the
    Entitlement Offer exceeds supply, participants are to be scaled on a pro rata
    basis in accordance with their shareholding at the Record Date for their
    Reasons - Rule 7.10.5
    17. In coming to the decision to grant EBO a waiver from Rule 7.10.5 NZXR has
    considered the following matters:
    (a) The conditions to the waiver from Rule 7.10.5 will ensure that, to the
    greatest extent possible, rights are issued under the Oversubscription
    Facility in proportion to the number of existing shares held by applicants at
    the Record Date;
    (b) The provision of the Oversubscription Facility will increase the
    likelihood of EBO raising the necessary capital sought, and will ensure that
    existing shareholders obtain any benefit through the Entitlement Offer to the
    fullest extent possible;
    (c) Rule 7.5 continues to apply and specifically restricts the issue of any
    shares that could be significantly likely to result in any person or group
    materially increasing their ability to exercise effective control of EBO; and
    (d) There is precedent for granting waivers from Rule 7.10.5.
    Application Two - Rule 9.2.1
    18. EBO has approached NZXR seeking a waiver in respect of the requirements
    in Rule 9.2.1 so the Related Companies can participate in the Placement and
    act as sub-underwriters to the Entitlement Offer without obtaining
    shareholder approval.
    19. In support of its application for a waiver from Rule 9.2.1, EBO submits
    (a) Critically, EBO's Board needs funding certainty before announcing the
    Transaction.  Without a committed sub-underwrite of the Entitlement Offer
    being in place this certainty cannot be delivered and EBO will not be in a
    position to proceed with the Transaction (funding certainty being a key
    requirement of the Vendor and therefore a key driver of the Entitlement Offer
    being underwritten).  Although an EBO shareholder meeting is being held at
    which Rule 9.2.1 approval could theoretically be obtained, it cannot be held
    prior to the Transaction's announcement, which is the point at which funding
    certainty is required.
    (b) The sub-underwriting arrangements between the Underwriters and the
    Related Companies will be negotiated on an arms-length basis on usual
    commercial terms and will not be influenced by the Related Companies being
    Related Parties of the Company, or by the status of Messr's Kraus and Wallace
    as directors of EBO.
    (c) The terms of the sub-underwriting arrangements between the Underwriters
    and the Related Companies will be materially the same as those which will be
    negotiated with the other parties who will also be invited to sub-underwrite
    the Entitlement Offer. The Related Companies will not be the beneficiaries
    of any "special treatment", either as to terms or quantum.
    (d) Given that the policy underlying Rule 9.2 is to safeguard non-associated
    shareholders, there is no value in requiring shareholder approval for the
    sub-underwriting by the Related Companies, given that their status as Related
    Parties will have no bearing on the terms or quantum of their participation.
    (e) EBO's shareholders will still be required to approve the Transaction by
    special resolution. Granting the waiver will in no way diminish the right of
    EBO's shareholders to consider and approve the Transaction.
    (f) There is precedent for this decision. Similar waivers have been granted
    to Hellaby Holdings Limited (NZSX: HBY) (23 August 2010), AMP NZ Office Trust
    (7 May 2009), Pike River Coal Limited (16 March 2009) and Skellerup Holdings
    Limited (NZSX: SKL) (11 February 2008).
    Rule - 9.2.1
    20. Rule 9.2.1 provides:
    An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related Party is,
    or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part;
    (b) ...
    unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    21. Footnote 1 to Rule 9.2.1 provides:
    NZX may waive the requirement to obtain the approval of a resolution for the
    purposes of Rule 9.2.1 if it is satisfied that the personal connections with,
    or involvement or personal interest of a Related Party are immaterial or
    plainly unlikely to have influenced the promotion of the proposal to enter
    into the transaction or its terms and conditions.
    22. Rule 9.2.2 provides:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a transaction or
    a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (a) Purchases or otherwise acquires, gains, leases (as lessor or lessee) or
    sells or otherwise disposes of, assets having an Aggregate Net Value in
    excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitilisation of the Issuer; or
    (b) ...
    23. Rule 9.2.3 provides:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is at the
    time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months before a
    Material Transaction:
    (a) a director or executive officer of the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries;
    (b) ...
    Decision Two - Rule 9.2.1
    24. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, and subject to the conditions contained below, NZXR
    grants EBO a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 so that EBO is not required to seek
    shareholder approval for the Related Companies to participate in the
    Placement and to act as sub-underwriters of the Entitlement Offer.
    25. NZXR grants this waiver on this conditions that:
    (a) The terms and conditions on which the Related Companies participate in
    the Placement and act as sub-underwriters of the Entitlement Offer are
    identical to those offered to the other parties who are participating in the
    Placement and acting as sub-underwriters;
    (b) The directors of EBO, other than Mr Kraus and Mr Wallace, certify to NZXR
    that Mr Kraus and Mr Wallace had no part in the negotiation of the terms of
    participation in the Placement or as sub-underwriters;
    (c) Mr Kraus and Mr Wallace abstain from, and do not participate in any
    discussions or approval of the Placement allocations;
    (d) The Notice of Meeting in respect of the approval of the acquisition of
    Symbion clearly discloses the participation of the Related Companies in the
    Placement and as sub-underwriters of the Entitlement Offer; and
    (e) The Notice of Meeting in respect of the approval of the acquisition of
    Symbion clearly discloses why the Related Companies are considered Related
    Parties to the Symbion Transaction in respect of Rule 9.2.1.
    Reasons - Rule 9.2.1
    26. In coming to the decision to grant EBO a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 NZXR has
    considered the following matters:
    (a) The purpose of the prohibition in Rule 9.2.1 is to ensure that undue
    influence is not exercised by a Related Party to cause entry into
    transactions on terms that are unfairly favourable to those Related Parties
    without scrutiny by, and approval of, minorities and other shareholders. The
    granting of the waiver in paragraph 24 will not offend the policy behind Rule
    (b) The terms and conditions the Related Companies will participate in the
    Placement and as sub-underwriters are identical to those offered to other
    institutional investors participating and have been set at arms' length;
    (c) The invitation and agreement to participate in the Placement and to act
    as a sub-underwriter in the Entitlement Offer was formulated between the
    Underwriters and directors of EBO, other than Mr Kraus and Mr Wallace. NZXR
    is satisfied the Related Companies have not participated in the negotiation
    of the underwriting or sub-underwriting agreements so have had no influence
    in the terms of the agreements;
    (d) Other substantial security holders will be offered the chance to
    participate in the Placement and to act as sub-underwriters on the same terms
    as the Related Parties;
    (e) EBO has submitted, and NZXR has no reason not to accept, that the
    Underwriters are hesitant to underwrite the Entitlement Offer without the
    support of the Related Companies;
    (f) EBO has submitted, and NZXR has no reason not to accept, that the support
    of sub-underwriters including the Related Companies is critical prior to the
    announcement of the Transaction. Therefore it is not commercially feasible
    for EBO to obtain shareholder approval at the upcoming special meeting;
    (g) As other major shareholders will be offered the opportunity to
    participate in the Placement and sub-underwrite it would be unfair to the
    Related Companies if they could not participate because they are Related
    Parties due to having common directors with EBO, especially as those
    directors had no part in formulation of the Placement, negotiation of
    sub-underwrite agreement and are participating on the same arms' length basis
    as all other parties;
    (h) The conditions in paragraph 25 give NZXR comfort that the Related Parties
    will participate in the Placement and act as sub-underwriters on the same
    terms as other participants and that Mr Kraus and Mr Wallace had no part in
    negotiating the Placement and sub-underwriting agreements; and
    (i) There is precedent for waivers of this type.
    Application Three - Rule 7.12.2
    27. EBO has approached NZXR seeking a waiver in respect of the requirements
    in Rule 7.12.2 to permit the Bonus Issuer Record Date to be six Business Days
    after the announcement of the Bonus Issue.
    28. In support of its application for a waiver from Rule 7.12.2, EBO submits:
    (a) EBO wishes to ensure existing shareholders who have been loyal to EBO
    prior to the Transaction get the benefit of accumulated imputation credits.
    (b) As such, the Record Date for the Bonus Issue must be prior to the
    allotment of shares under the Placement. The announcement of the Bonus Issue
    is scheduled for 29 May 2013, while the allotment under the Placement is
    scheduled for 7 June 2013. In the absence of a waiver from Rule 7.12.2 the
    earliest Record Date for the Bonus Issue, based on an announcement date of 29
    May 2013, would be after the scheduled allotment date for the Placement.
    (c) The Bonus Issue cannot be announced prior to the announcement of the
    Transaction on 29 May 2013 (in an attempt to meet the 10 Business Day period
    imposed by Rule 7.12.2, by keeping the Bonus Issue Record Date at 6 June 2013
    but moving the announcement date), as to do so would make it clear to the
    market that a major transaction is imminent.
    (d) Allotment of the shares under the Placement cannot be delayed until 10
    Business Days after the announcement of the Transaction on 29 May 2013 as EBO
    wishes to settle the Placement as close to the Placement bookbuild occurring
    on 29 May 2013 as possible. While settlement of the Placement bookbuild will
    be on a T + 5 basis, to extend this settlement any further will cause
    institutions participating in the Placement to demand a discount on the
    Placement price which will adversely affect EBO's shareholders.
    (e) The proposed timetable for the Transaction, including the trading halt
    for the Placement bookbuild, allows for at least one full day of trading
    after the Bonus Issue announcement within which those who wish can trade in
    order to be on or off EBO's share register before the Bonus Issue record
    (f) There is precedent for this decision. NZX has granted waivers in
    circumstances where an Issuer wished to confer a benefit on its shareholders
    but would not have been able to do so had it been required to comply with the
    10 Business Day notice period under Rule 7.12.2; for example, SKYCITY
    Entertainment Group (NZSX: SKC) (23 January 2009), Mr Chips Holdings Limited
    (12 September 2008) and Dairy Equities Limited (4 August 2008).
    Rule - 7.12.2
    29. Rule 7.12.2 provides:
    Where any benefit is to be paid or distributed on Quoted Securities
    (including dividends, interest or bonus issues) or any Conversion of
    Securities or call on Securities is to take place, the Issuer shall give to
    NZX, forthwith after any Director's recommendation and at least 10 Business
    Days before the Record Date to determine entitlements or obligations, full
    details of the benefit, Conversion or call, including the information in the
    table below [not replicated here]. That information shall be supplied in the
    form set out in Appendix 7.
    Decision Three - Rule 7.12.2
    30. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR grants EBO a waiver from the 10 Business Day
    notice requirement in Rule 7.12.2 on the conditions that:
    (a) EBO releases information on the Bonus Issue in the form required by Rule
    7.12.2 when the transaction is announced on Wednesday, 29 May 2013; and
    (b) The Record Date for the Bonus Issue is 6 June 2013.
    31. The conditions of the waiver from Rule 7.12.2 require EBO to provide the
    market six Business Days notice of the Bonus Issue. Within these six Business
    Days the market will have at least one day, 31 May 2013, where trading can
    occur in order for those who wish to move on or off the EBO share register
    before the Bonus Issue.
    Reasons - Rule 7.12.2
    32. In coming to the decision to grant EBO a waiver from Rule 7.12.2 NZXR has
    considered the following matters:
    (a) The purpose of Rule 7.12.2 is to ensure the market and those persons who
    are to receive any benefit are given sufficient notice ahead of any benefit.
    In shortening the notification timeframe from 10 Business Days to six
    Business Days, NZXR remains satisfied the market will have sufficient
    notification of the Bonus Issue;
    (b) The market will have at least one full day (being 31 May 2013) to trade
    EBO shares after notice of the Bonus Issue but before the ex date of the
    Record Date;
    (c) NZXR accepts there is a commercial rational for the timetable of the
    Transaction that means EBO is unable to provide the required 10 Business Days
    notice to market;
    (d) Being a Bonus Issue one Business Day where trading can occur for those
    who wish to move on or off the EBO share register is sufficient as
    shareholders do not need to take any active step to benefit from the
    (e) EBO is undertaking the Bonus Issue to give EBO shareholders the benefit
    of imputation credits that would otherwise be lost due to the Transaction
    causing a breach in shareholder continuity rules;
    (f) EBO has submitted, and NZXR has no reason not to accept, that prior
    notice of the Bonus Issue would signal to market a major transaction was
    imminent. NZXR considers this a compelling commercial reason as to why in
    this case a shorter notice period is sufficient; and
    (e) EBO has confirmed with its share registry that the timing of the notice
    of the Bonus Issue will not create any practical problems.
    33. EBO has requested that NZXR keep its application and any decision
    confidential until the date on which the Transaction is announced to market.
    34. NZXR grants EBO's request, as it accords with Rules 1.11.2 and 1.11.4 and
    the footnotes to those Rules.
    End CA:00236761 For:EBO    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2013-05-29 08:32:20
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