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Ann: WAV/RULE: GMT: GMT - Waivers from NZX Main Board Listing...

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    15/07/2014 09:02
    REL: 0902 HRS Goodman Property Trust
    WAV/RULE: GMT: GMT - Waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Goodman Property Trust ("GMT")
    Applications for waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules 6.2.1(a), 6.2.2,
    7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.5, 9.2.1, and 9.2.5(b)
    15 July 2014
    Application 1 - Waiver from Rule 6.2.1(a)
    1. On the conditions in paragraph 2 below, NZX Regulation ("NZXR") grants GMT
    a waiver from the requirement within NZX Main Board Listing Rule 6.2.1(a)
    ("Rule 6.2.1(a)") to set out in the Notice of Meeting the maximum number of
    Units that may be issued to the Manager pursuant to the proposed Amended Fee
    2. The waiver in paragraph 1, above, is provided on the conditions that:
    a. The terms of the Amended Fee Structure in the Trust Deed, including the
    methodology for calculating the number of Base Fee Units to be issued under
    the Amended Fee Structure, are clearly outlined in the Notice of Meeting;
    b. The Trust Deed amendments clearly provide that the obligation to subscribe
    for Units under the amended base fee provisions will not be applicable to the
    extent that the issue of Units would cause Goodman Group to hold 25% or more
    of the total Units;
    c. The Notice of Meeting sets out the terms and effect of the waiver; and
    d. The waiver is granted for a period of five years.
    3. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not, or
    ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    4. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    5. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 1
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The number of Base Fee Units to be issued to the Manager in any given year
    is dependant on a number of factors, including the amount of any Rebate and
    the relevant issue price of the Base Fee Units.  As none of this information
    will be determined at the time that Unitholder approval is sought, there is
    no means by which this information can be provided in advance for any given
    b. The number of Base Fee Units to be issued under the Trust Deed is
    determined by objective criteria that will, pursuant to the conditions of the
    waiver, be clearly outlined to Unitholders in the Notice of Meeting -
    including the methodology for calculating the number of Base Fee Units to be
    c. A key policy underlying Rule 6.2.1(a) is to ensure that Unitholders have
    sufficient information on which to make a decision whether to approve the
    precise terms and conditions of a specific proposal to issue Securities. The
    granting of the waiver in paragraph 1 will not offend the policy behind Rule
    d. The conditions of the waiver provide comfort that Unitholders will have
    sufficient information on which to make a decision whether to approve the
    issue of Units under the proposed Amended Base Fee structure;
    e. The Trust Deed has been amended to ensure that the obligation of the
    Manager to subscribe for Base Fee Units will not be applicable to the extent
    that the issue of Base Fee Units would cause Goodman Group to hold 25% or
    more of the total Units (assuming that any issue of Units expected to be made
    in payment of the Performance Fee, or otherwise expected to be made to
    Goodman Group, had been made); and
    f. There is precedent for this decision.
    Application 2 - Waiver from Rule 7.3.1, 7.5 and 9.2.1
    6. GMT sought a waiver from Rules 7.3.1, 7.5 and 9.2.1 to the extent that
    these Rules would require GMT to pass an ordinary resolution in addition to
    the extraordinary resolution required to amend the Trust Deed in respect of
    the proposed Amended Fee Structure.  NZXR declines to grant GMT a waiver from
    Rule 7.3.1, 7.5 and 9.2.1.
    7. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision.
    8. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    9. In coming to the decision to not grant a waiver from Rules 7.3.1, 7.5 and
    9.2.1, NZXR has determined that a waiver is not required in this instance.
    NZXR notes that GMT is already proposing to seek shareholder approval for the
    Resolution, and considers that the passing of the Resolution (an
    extraordinary resolution) would satisfy the requirements of an ordinary
    resolution. NZXR also notes that the Notice of Meeting can provide sufficient
    explanation so that the Rules and the requirement for an ordinary resolution
    will be satisfied.
    Application 3 - Waiver from Rules 7.3.2
    10. On the conditions in paragraph 11 below, NZXR grants GMT a waiver from
    NZX Main Board Listing Rule 7.3.2 ("Rule 7.3.2") to allow GMT to issue the
    Base Fee Units to the Manager for a period of five years without annual
    approval from Unitholders.
    11. The waiver in paragraph 10 above, is provided on the conditions that:
    a. The terms and effect of the waiver are disclosed in the Notice of Meeting
    and each offering document or prospectus (or other public disclosure document
    that may replace such documents) distributed or registered in respect of an
    offer of Units during the period in which the waiver is relied upon;
    b. The number and price of Base Fee Units issued is disclosed in each annual
    report and interim report during the period in which the Base Fee Units are
    issued; and
    c. The waiver is granted for a period of five years.
    12. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not,
    or ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    13. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    14. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 10
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The granting of the waiver in paragraph 10 above, will not offend the
    policy considerations underlying Rule 7.3.2, which include ensuring that
    Issuers do not unduly delay the issue of securities for which they have
    received approval and that Unitholders, and potential subscribers of Units,
    are fully aware of the circumstances in which Units are being issued;
    b. As GMT is required by the conditions to the waiver to publish the number
    and price of any Base Fee Units issued under the Amended Fee Structure
    annually, and as GMT must provide allotment notices to the market in respect
    of the issue of Units, potential investors in GMT will have an opportunity to
    consider the terms and implications of the Amended Fee Structure; and
    c. There is precedent for this decision.
    Application 4 - Waiver from Rules 6.2.2 and 9.2.5(b)
    15. On the conditions in paragraph 16 below, NZXR grants GMT a waiver from
    NZX Main Board Listing Rules 6.2.2 and 9.2.5(b) ("Rule 6.2.2 and 9.2.5(b)")
    to the extent that it requires GMT to prepare an Appraisal Report about the
    Amended Fee Structure to accompany the Notice of Meeting.
    16. The waiver in paragraph 15 above, is provided on the conditions that:
    a. The Notice of Meeting clearly sets out that the Base Fee Units to be
    issued under the Amended Fee Structure are issued at the higher of the
    weighted average price of Units on NZX over the five day trading period
    immediately before the date of receipt of the base management fee, and the
    net asset value per Unit on the day before that date;
    b. The Notice of Meeting sets out similar analysis regarding control issues
    as set out in the 2005 Appraisal Report;
    c. The Trustee certifies that:
    i. it has considered the proposed Amended Fee Structure and has been involved
    in discussions with the Issuer relating to the proposed amendments to the
    Trust Deed; and
    ii. as a result, it considers that the analysis in the Notice of Meeting
    relating to the Amended Fee Structure is fairly made and the information
    contained in the Notice of Meeting should allow the Unitholders to make an
    informed decision with regard to the Resolution;
    d. All Independent Directors of the Manager certify that:
    i. they consider that the proposed amendments to the Trust Deed are in the
    best interests of the Unitholders;
    ii. they are satisfied as to the accuracy of the analysis set out in the
    Notice of Meeting regarding potential "control issues" and issues arising due
    to the "Related Party" feature of the transaction;
    iii. they have received legal advice as to any legal aspects of that
    analysis, including as concerns the Unit Trusts Act 1960 and the Financial
    Markets Conduct Act 2013; and
    iv. they do not consider that the proposed amendments to the Trust Deed will
    have a significant impact on control of GMT;
    e. The Notice of Meeting contains confirmation from the Independent Directors
    that they have received confirmation from Goodman Group that it has no
    current intention of holding 25% or more of the units in GMT; and
    f. The Notice of Meeting sets out the details of the waiver and its
    implications (mainly, that there will be no new appraisal report assessing
    the potential control and related party implications).
    17. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not,
    or ceases to be, full and accurate in all material respects.
    18. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    19. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in 15 above, NZXR
    has considered that:
    a. The issue of the Performance Fee Units, and its effect, has previously
    been considered by Unitholders at several unitholder meetings. Therefore,
    the general concepts are not unfamiliar to Unitholders;
    b. The 2005 Appraisal Report discusses the impact of an increase in the
    Manager's unitholding and the conditions in this waiver provide comfort that
    similar analysis is provided in the Notice of Meeting;
    c. The Rebate provides for a reduction in the amount of base fee to be paid
    to the Manager and the conditions of the waiver provide comfort that the
    price at which Base Fee Units are issued will be calculated in an objective
    manner and will be at market price or above.  This ensures that the Manager,
    as a Related Party of GMT, is not gaining, or being perceived as gaining,
    favourable treatment due to the Manager's relationship with GMT.  Therefore,
    the granting of the waiver under this condition will not offend the policy
    behind Rule 9.2.5(b);
    d. The certification conditions provide comfort that:
    i. the Trustee, having been involved in the discussions relating to the
    establishment of the Amended Fee Structure, considers that the analysis in
    the Notice of Meeting relating to the Amended Fee Structure is fairly made
    and that Unitholders have sufficient information to make an informed decision
    with regard to the Resolution;
    ii. the Independent Directors of the Manager have:
    1. received legal advice on any legal aspects of the analysis of "control"
    issues and issues arising due to the "Related Party" feature of the
    transaction, as set out in the Notice of Meeting; and
    2. considered this analysis in the Notice of Meeting and are comfortable with
    the conclusion that the proposed Amended Fee Structure will not have a
    significant impact on the control of GMT;
    e. The certification conditions in the waiver provide comfort that the
    Independent Directors of the Manager consider that the Amended Fee Structure
    is in the best interests of the Unitholders;
    f. The confirmation that the Goodman Group currently has no intention to
    increase its unitholding to 25% or above provides the Unitholders with
    greater comfort as to the potential effect of the proposed Amended Fee
    Structure and minimises the risk of any change in control and the impact of
    any dilution of the current Unitholders holdings;
    g. The policy underlying Rule 6.2.2 and 9.2.5(b) is to ensure that
    Unitholders are provided with sufficient information to understand the terms
    and effect of the transaction, where that transaction involves the Issuer:
    i. entering into a transaction where there is a significant likelihood that
    the issue of Securities will result in any person or group of Associated
    Persons materially increasing their ability to exercise effective control of
    that Issuer (Rule 6.2.2); or
    ii. entering into a transaction with a Related Party that is a Material
    Transaction (Rule 9.2.5(b));
    h. NZXR will have the opportunity to review and approve the Notice of Meeting
    at which the Resolution will be considered to ensure that it includes a
    balanced summary of the proposed Amended Fee Structure and sufficient
    information to enable Unitholders to understand the terms and effect of the
    Amended Fee Structure;
    i. There is precedent for this decision.
    Appendix One - Information
    1. Goodman Property Trust (GMT) is a unit trust listed on the NZX Main Board
    and is subject to the Rules.
    2. GMT is managed by Goodman (NZ) Limited (the "Manager"), which is a wholly
    owned subsidiary of Goodman Limited (together, with Goodman Industrial Trust,
    and Goodman Logistics (HK) Limited, operating together as a stapled group,
    and each of their controlled entities, as the context requires, the "Goodman
    3. GMT's current management fee structure provides for both a base fee and
    performance fee component to be paid to the Manager.  The current base fee
    component is based on the book value of GMT's assets (other than cash and
    trade debtors) and is paid in cash, monthly in arrears.  The current
    performance fee component is determined by reference to GMT's performance, is
    calculated and paid yearly in arrears, and provides, in the ordinary course,
    for Units to be issued to GMT, in lieu of cash (the "Performance Fee Units").
    4. The Manager intends to amend GMT's current management fee structure
    through various amendments to the trust deed between GMT and Corporate Trust
    Limited (the "Trustee") dated 23 April 1999 and as amended from time to time
    (the "Trust Deed").  If amended, the following management fee structure would
    apply (the "Amended Fee Structure"):
    a. GMT will receive a fee rebate from the Manager on its base management fee
    in relation to GMT's development land portfolio (the "Rebate"); and
    b. the Manager will be required, subject to certain exceptions set out in the
    Trust Deed, to subscribe for Units as consideration for its base management
    fee, for a five-year period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2019 ("Base Fee
    5. At a meeting of GMT unitholders ("Unitholders") to be held on 5 August
    2014 (the "Unitholder Meeting"), Unitholders will be asked to consider an
    extraordinary resolution approving the proposed amendments to the Trust Deed
    relating to the Amended Fee Structure - as required by clause 27.1(f) of the
    Trust Deed (the "Resolution"). Information will also be provided to the
    Unitholders in the notice of meeting relating to the Unitholder Meeting (the
    "Notice of Meeting").
    6. Rule 6.2.1(a) requires that the number of Base Fee Units, or maximum
    number of Base Fee Units, to be issued under the Amended Fee Structure be
    tabled in the Notice of Meeting.
    7. Rule 7.3.2 requires that any issue of the Base Fee Units authorised by
    resolutions passed under Rule 7.3.1(a) at the Unitholder Meeting, that is not
    to be made solely to employees, must be completed within twelve months of
    that resolution being passed.
    8. For the Amended Fee Structure to be effective, GMT requires the ability to
    calculate the number of Base Fee Units to be issued on a six monthly basis
    and to be allowed to issue the Base Fee Units for a period of five years.
    NZXR has previously granted waivers to GMT to enable this, including allowing
    the Performance Fee Units to be calculated and issued on a perpetual basis.
    9. The amendments to the Trust Deed relating to the Amended Fee Structure
    provide that the number of Base Fee Units to be subscribed for will be
    determined by objective criteria and that  the obligation of the Manager to
    subscribe for Base Fee Units will not be applicable to the extent that the
    issue of Base Fee Units would cause Goodman Group to hold 25% or more of the
    total Units (assuming that any issue of Units expected to be made in payment
    of the Performance Fee, or otherwise expected to be made to Goodman Group,
    had been made).
    10. The independent directors of the Manager (the "Independent Directors")
    have also received confirmation from Goodman Group that the Goodman Group
    currently has no intention to increase its unitholding to 25% or above.
    11. As 100% of the units issued under the Amended Fee Structure will be
    issued to the Manager, as an "Associated Person" of GMT, an appraisal report
    is required to accompany the relevant Notice of Meeting, in accordance with
    Rule 6.2.2(b). The issue of units may also result in Goodman Group, as an
    "Associated Person" under Rule 7.5, materially increasing its ability to
    exercise, or direct the exercise of, effective control of GMT. As such, an
    appraisal report may be required to accompany the relevant Notice of Meeting,
    in accordance with Rule 6.2.2(a).
    12. Further, the Manager is a "Related Party" of GMT for the purposes of Rule
    9.2.1 due to the nature of the current management fee arrangement, as well as
    relationship between GMT and the Manager, including that the Goodman Group
    (of which the Manager is a member) owns more than 10% of the Units (and
    voting rights) of GMT.
    13. The proposed Amended Fee Structure may be a "Material Transaction" for
    the purposes of Rule 9.2.2(b), as the Manager may, through a related series
    of transactions, acquire units in GMT having a market value in excess of 10%
    of the average market capitalisation of GMT.
    14. The Amended Fee Structure will therefore be a Material Transaction with a
    Related Party for the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, requiring an appraisal report
    to accompany the relevant Notice of Meeting in accordance with Rule 9.2.5(b).
    15. The issue of the Performance Fee Units as a component of the management
    fee structure, and its effect, has been considered at several previous
    meetings of GMT Unitholders. Appraisal reports have also previously been
    provided by GMT at meetings relating to changes in control and the issue of
    Units in GMT to the Manager - specifically the appraisal report dated 2005
    prepared by Deloitte Corporate Finance in relation to the Trust (the "2005
    Appraisal Report").
    16. NZXR has previously provided waivers in the nature of applications 1 - 3,
    in respect of the issue of Performance Fee Units, on 4 March 2005, 7 November
    2007 and 18 October 2010.  The waiver granted on 18 October 2010 provided
    that GMT may issue the Performance Fee Units in perpetuity.
    Appendix Two - NZX Main Board Listing Rules
    Rule 6.2 Notices of Meeting
    6.2.1(a)   The text of any resolution to be put to a meeting of an Issuer for
    the purposes of Rule 7.3.1, Rule 7.3.5(c), Rule 7.5 or Rule 7.6.5 shall be
    set out in the notice of the relevant meeting. That notice shall be approved
    by NZX in accordance with Rule 6.1, and shall contain the precise terms and
    conditions of the specific proposal to issue, ratify the issue of, acquire,
    or redeem the Securities in question, or to provide financial assistance. The
    resolution shall not authorise any issue, acquisition, redemption or
    assistance which varies in any material respect from the description in the
    notice. As a minimum, the notice or the papers accompanying it shall state or
    contain so much of the following information as is applicable:
    a) the number of Securities to be issued, acquired, or redeemed or, if the
    number is not known, the formula to be applied to determine the number, and
    the maximum number which may be issued, acquired or redeemed;
    6.2.2  A notice of meeting to consider a resolution of the nature referred to
    in Rule 6.2.1 shall be accompanied by an Appraisal Report if;
    (a) the resolution is required by Rule 7.5; or
    (b) in the case of an issue, the issue is intended or is likely to result in
    more than 50% of the Securities to be issued being acquired by Directors or
    Associated Persons of Directors of the Issuer; or
    (c) in the case of an acquisition or redemption or the giving of financial
    assistance, it is intended or likely that more than 50% of the Securities to
    be acquired or redeemed will be Securities held by Directors or Associated
    Persons of Directors of the Issuer, or that more than 50% of the total
    financial assistance to be given will be given to such persons.
    Rule 7.3 Issue of New Equity Securities
    7.3.1 No Issuer shall issue any Equity Securities (including issue on
    Conversion of any other Security) unless:
    (a) the precise terms and conditions of the specific proposal to issue those
    Equity Securities have been approved (subject to Rule 7.3.3) by separate
    resolutions (passed by a simple majority of Votes) of holders of each Class
    of Quoted Equity Securities of the Issuer whose rights or entitlements could
    be affected by that issue, and that issue is completed within the time
    specified in Rule 7.3.2; or
    (b) the issue is made in accordance with any of Rules 7.3.4 to Rule 7.3.11.
    7.3.2 An issue authorised by resolutions passed pursuant to Rule 7.3.1(a)
    shall be completed:
    (a) if that issue is made solely to Employees within 36 months after the
    passing of those resolutions; or
    (b) in all other circumstances, within twelve months after the passing of
    those resolutions.
    Rule 7.5 Issues and Buybacks of Securities Affecting Control
    7.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of Rules 7.3 and Rule 7.6, no issue,
    acquisition, or redemption of Securities shall be made by an Issuer if:
    a) there is a significant likelihood that the issue, acquisition, or
    redemption will result in any person or group of Associated Persons
    materially increasing their ability to exercise, or direct the exercise of
    (either then or at any future time) effective control of that Issuer; and
    (b) that person or group of Associated Persons is entitled before the issue,
    acquisition, or redemption to exercise, or direct the exercise of, not less
    than 1% of the total Votes attaching to Securities of the Issuer;
    Unless the precise terms and conditions of the issue, acquisition or
    redemption have been approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the Issuer.
    Rule 9.2 Material Transactions with Related Parties
    9.2.1 An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related
    Party is, or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; or
    (b) in the case of a guarantee or other transaction of the nature referred to
    in paragraph (d) of the definition of Material Transaction, a direct or
    indirect beneficiary of such guarantee or other transaction,
    Unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    9.2.2 For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a
    transaction or a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
     (b) issues its own Securities or acquires its own Equity Securities having a
    market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of that
    Issuer, save in the case of an issue pursuant to Rule 7.3.5 where only the
    market value of those Securities being issued to the Related Party or to any
    Employees of the Issuer are to be taken into account;
    9.2.5  The text of any resolution to be put to a meeting of an Issuer for the
    purposes of Rule 9.2.1 shall be set out in the notice of the relevant
    meeting. That notice shall be:
     (b) be accompanied by an Appraisal Report;
    End CA:00252736 For:GMT    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2014-07-15 09:02:03
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