BRU 7.14% 4.5¢ buru energy limited

Ann: Weekly Drilling Report - Ungani Far West 1, page-67

  1. 6,650 Posts.

    The issue with Wyndam is the distance over 1,100 km and was always a stupid decision, just less distance than bring it down to Perth.

    Buru should have from the onset looked at Port Hedland, deep water port 17. 5 m with access to a public warf.

    And it only approx 400 km from the field.

    Ideally Broome which is say only 200 km but the environmental protest will be to high and would cause the production of oil to be delayed for years in my view. Look at what the idiots did with Woodside And Jame Price Point.
    Last edited by WhiteNoise: 29/01/16
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