WNX 4.90% 68.0¢ wellnex life limited

It appears that buried in this announcement on 4th April, is the...

  1. von
    77 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    It appears that buried in this announcement on 4th April, is the possibility that WHA were asked for extra information in FEB for CFDA. Something not previously disclosed. Maybe I am reading something unnecessary into this, but if I'm not, I am certainly inclined to agree with your comment. I would be interested in how others see this.

    CFDA Update
    F urther to the announcement on 20 November 2017 , WHA can confirm it has submitted all supplementary documentation requested by CFDA , in February 2018. WHA’s consultants in China have confirmed no further requests for information have been made by CFDA and WHA’s application is on track for final accreditation.
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