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Ann: Wilgar high grade results and possible new c, page-22

  1. 787 Posts.
    re: Ann: Wilgar high grade results and possib...

    "yep big let down for me as you say but very predictable imo."

    I can only presume because you have been let down so badly, that you expectations were running wild.

    Tone down your expectations by not exposing yourself to wild ramping, and you may form a more balanced view of the the Rocklands project.

    I don't think a DFS would help you at this stage, it's more likely to add further confusion.

    I pay W. McCrae to look after drilling, DFS's and the like, and people like you and I who have no idea, should let the man get on with the job.

    I think you are confusing Mr McCrae with Mr Market, sometime ago Andrew Forest had the same problem, which has since been rectified.


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