Michael McAnearney’s CV says he has a degree inPsychology, he’s on the Board of a Not for Profit Organisation, and he helpsfind jobs for CEO’s and other exec’s and Board members.
All very appropriate to this Company don’t you think!!Apart from that I don’t find anything striking about his CV.
He’s a co-founder of Gerard Daniels where they carry outExecutive Performance Assessments, Talent and Organisation Structure Design,Remuneration Design etc.
A few months ago, I put the suggestion that this Companycould go into voluntary administration and be bought cheaply by a privatecompany…. Can you hear the sound of penny’s dropping or alarm bells ringingyet?!
As I’ve said to you a number of times, the onlysatisfaction we will get is if you, I and a few ‘Cupboard’ dwellers…. well youknow the rest involves a trip to Bond Street and a Photocopier!!