TLG 16.5% 53.0¢ talga group ltd

Ann: World-Class Drill Results Continue at Vittangi, page-163

  1. 517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1399

    I think we have covered the permitting aspect in sufficient depth, you repeat the same question and I attempt to provide you with a reasoned answer based on ASX announcements. As I mentioned in my earlier post today permits will be granted at some point next year, we just have to be patient for the process to conclude.

    I must take you up on your reference to the 2016 trial mine at Nunasvaara. This is quite correct and that exercise was by way of a quarrying method that extracted slabs of graphitic ore for processing at Rudolstadt, some 1,000 tons of it. Rudolstadt has extracted some 60 tons of graphitic material, once the ore has been processed, which would suggest TLG still had a stock of 750 tons of graphitic ore on hand. This ore was processed this year as initial feedstock for the EVA plant in the Swerim facilities by having those blocks milled by a third party. I am not making this up it has all been disclosed in ASX announcements during the course of the year and in previous announcements. Your attempt to muddy the waters by pointing to earlier trial mining to move readers' gaze away from the campaign to mine 25,000 tons from Niska demonstrates some desperation on your part to have the last word. By the way, your method is called dog whistling in Australia, a favourite political ploy when in a tight corner.

    I note that both the trial mine at Nunasvaara and the initial campaign at Niska for 2,500 tons before the return of the reindeer have returned to their natural state through remediation of the site to the satisfaction of the local authorities.
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