NOR 7.14% 3.0¢ norwood systems limited

Ann: World Secure Released on Android, page-221

  1. 3,525 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1565
    Haha. Your ZipShell mate thumbs upped the latest negative post within minutes.. crazy how thoroughly the downer syndicate works.
    Got a feeling a certain sell stacker got his shares unexpectedly line wiped by a big buyer at 1.8, and wants them back for 1.7 asap

    Funny how the android version seems so simple for most, and has a flawless 5star review!.. not that many have downloaded/reviewed yet... and why not just throw in the "they took my credit" claim!
    As if a genuine holder wouldn't just email support if there was a legitimate issue.
    Manswag and eallin constantly changing sentiments, threatening to dump massive amounts of shares and crash the price to 1.1, then miraculously realising their sells didn't actually go through, before later claiming to actually have bought at 1.3...
    And claiming to "buy 3m" but not show up on t50, then claiming to regret not selling any on the spike, and later saying they don' have many shares... you can't have beyond 3mil, then only a small holding, without selling.
    Nothing but traders posting false manipulative rubbish on HC.. now we have another who has had all 3 sentiments within the last week!

    Can't wait till the next time the Dow drops 4%, so they can just on the Nor thread and unleash huge revelations that Nor's price might slip a point or 2.

    Swag.. again, thought you were leaving the thread for a while, but lasted almost a day?
    Should we expect the usual flooding the thread with up to 12 posts a day?
    Last edited by Holla: 17/02/18
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Mkt cap ! $14.30M
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3.0¢ 3.0¢ 3.0¢ $9.174K 305.8K

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2 335119 2.7¢

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3.0¢ 43320 1
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Last trade - 10.12am 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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