OAK oakridge international limited

Ann: Xped AGM Presentation, page-69

  1. 268 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    I think perhaps it was some things that were conveyed that either couldn't be before due to timing, or just couldn't be put in writing at all.
    And i think Athan conducted himself quite well which dispelled some fears that people may have had about his suitability for the role. Athan copped criticism on the chin like a big boy and did his best I think to explain where he was able. As others have said, they acknowledged that the quality of communications have been less than ideal.
    Marty was so upbeat it was a little contagious.
    And John spoke so passionately and convincingly that it was impossible to ignore or discount. We were reminded that John and Chris were on the bones of their arse (my phrase not theirs) when Athan showed them how raising funds is done. And Marty explained how determinedly Athan pursued him (the word "stalked" was used playfully) to convince him to join.
    We've been promised 4 MOUs - possibly by years end if I heard correctly. Marty clearly showed his frustration when telling us how even after one of the MOU partners agreed to release details that their internal processes preceding this would take 6 weeks!
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