You have no grounds for preaching irrelevance because your lords...

  1. 5,403 Posts.
    You have no grounds for preaching irrelevance because your lords and masters at Watchtower constantly proclaim irrelevant failed prophecies and nonsensical doctrine much of which has practically no scriptural backing.

    It's not just failed prophecies, as prophecies are just that and subject to change, but with no real understanding of the bible especially the difference between OT and NT, reading each verse literally with the same brush without any allowance making into a direct doctrine of its teaching is subject to fail as there is no truth in it, no matter how much one is convinced to be true. it's called the great deception

    Not forgetting the ever-changing teaching, if one has the truth, it should never change

    Not to mention, the church belongs to Christ, no one has any right to change it or start a new one, no GB, and certainly no pope or preacher, one is supposed to proclaim the truth from one generation to the next only, ever changing teaching doesn't hold to this

    But it's ok, leave them on the bandwagon to truely believe in their prophecies whole heartily as time will go by and none eventuate especially with current events to which they are convinced it is it and pulling no punches into pushing the line to retain its remaining members, eventually the rank and file will snap out of it taking the WT with it when in the end things turn out differntly

    The WT is in a desperate mode right now and its bleeding members especially after the pandemic and apostate spilling the beans so they are putting in a concentrated effort to retain the remaining sheep who don't know any better and are taken in parroting, like I said above just sit back and enjoy the ride, it will back fire in time.
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