AVB 0.00% 16.5¢ avanco resources limited

what you on about mrlinggis? Are you saying I fall in love with...

  1. 13,667 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1291
    what you on about mrlinggis? Are you saying I fall in love with shares? I fall in love when I know they will make me money..but if I see any sign of falter they get the chop. There is no reason to chop AVB right now when they are at the beginning of a major drill campaign and are expanding the current HGZ. Serra Verde hardly touched and just starting to drill? Not only that they are also expanding their position in Brazil which is one of the places to be.

    IMO AVB has given excellent returns (The ones who got in a little later will also realise further gains..with patience). I also daytrade (I just dont ramp every stocks I trade on). I have done very well with fundamental analysis and will stick to it.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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