AVB 0.00% 16.5¢ avanco resources limited

announcement out- rio verde deep drilling, page-36

  1. 230 Posts.
    I also like the way how North Antas is connected to South Antas...now I know why TP was quietly excited...This ann is great news for AVB...the results are good but more importantly they point directly to what is yet to be discovered...

    "...The potential for a sizable discovery is enhanced by new detailed magnetic images, showing the EM anomaly coinciding with the delineated intersection of the Antas South and Antas North mineralised trends. This feature represents an ideal environment for


    Hence, "...The deeper drilling is now focused on following mineralisation "down plunge", along strike to the southwest, where interpretation suggests an INTERSECTION with Antas South..."

    The initial HGZ discoveries at Antas South is fed by potentially low grade massive copper lodes [plural] below...the two large yet to be drilled EM targets on page 5, being 9,309,750mN intersecting 637,000mE and 9,309,250mN intersecting 637,500mE point directly at this...

    IMO there will not be a significant rerating in SP till these deposits are more delineated and quantified...we still have about 40,000m to go in the current drilling campaign...however the current round of results are very encouraging...

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